Nederlands (Nederland) italiano (Italia) polski (Polska) português (Brasil) svenska (Sverige) Media Kit Please wait while results are retrieved... For press related inquiries in the USA, please contactM. NICHOLS Communications: Melissa M. Nichols ...
Explore una amplia gama de aplicaciones, herramientas y servicios acelerados por NVIDIA creados en las plataformas de NVIDIA. Hablemos Solicitar una consulta Nuestros expertos pueden ayudar a su empresa a liberar el potencial y dar rienda suelta a la innovación. Hablemos...
Kary nałożone na poszczególnych przedsiębiorców wyniosły: Terg - 30 065 250 zł; Jura Poland - 12 212 000 zł; Euro-net - 10 500 450 zł; Media Saturn Online - 6 772 000 zł; Media Saturn Holding Polska - 6 549 000 zł. Prezes Jura Poland, Joanna Luto, ...
ważnych kuponów. zarejestrowani klienci sklepu western digital korzystają z darmowej dostawy przy wszystkich kwalifikujących się zamówieniach. darmowa dostawa standardowa dotyczy zakupów na terenie polska (mogą obowiązywać wyłączenia). western digital zastrzega prawo do ...
Denmark’s Laud People, which has formats such as Things My Dad Failed to Teach Me, and Constantin Entertainment Polska in Poland, which handles the local versions of The Farm and Kitchen Nightmares, have also signed up. Gijsbertse said discussions are underway with other indies in Europe. ...
My Cloud Expert Series EX2 Ultra Pojemność 0 TB – 20 TB To doskonałe rozwiązanie do prostej transmisji strumieniowej Posiada dwurdzeniowy procesor Marvell® ARMADA™ 385 1,3 GHz z pamięcią DDR3 1 GB, porty 2x USB 3.0, oraz obsługuje konfiguracje RAID dla JBOD, ...
“What makes axledit so intriguing” said industry expert Larry Jordan, “is that it couples a media asset management back-end with a simple video editing interface at the front. While not a replacement for a stand-alone NLE, it makes new kinds of cloud-based video collaboration possible.”...
Why choose dedicated servers for media hosting? When it comes to hosting, dedicated servers have the edge over cloud solutions because of their superior performance. They give you exclusive access to resources, for faster and reliable content delivery. This is particularly important for streaming vide...
Our expert-led courses and workshops provide learners with the knowledge and hands-on experience necessary to unlock the full potential of NVIDIA solutions. Explore Training Solutions See All See All NVIDIA Developer Program To guarantee you have the best resources to do your life’s work, we’ve...
Nederlands (Nederland) italiano (Italia) polski (Polska) português (Brasil) svenska (Sverige) Media Kit Please wait while results are retrieved... For press related inquiries in the USA, please contactM. NICHOLS Communications: Melissa M. Nichols ...