iPhone iPad 简介 Expert Media is your all-in-one media solution, offering a seamless experience for playing videos and music, viewing images, and more. Whether you want to enjoy your favorite media, edit videos and photos, or create stunning collages, Expert Media has you covered. Key Feature...
iPhone 12 Pro/Pro Max是全球首款支持杜比视界视频的智能手机,这项技术广泛应用于整个电影后期制作中,通常需要在专业的电脑上才能使用。iPhone 12 Pro会拍摄两帧不同曝光值的画面,然后通过定制的图像处理器进行分析,创建一张代表每帧画面色调值的直方图,最后根据直方图来生成杜比视界视频元数据。 得益于A14仿生芯片强悍...
iPhone 12和iPhone 12 Pro在拍摄方面惊喜连连,iPhone 12具备强大的计算摄影功能,摄像头系统配备超广 摄像头,以及 /1.6光圈的全新广 摄像头,是iPhone历来最快的相机,捕捉光源增加了27%,在低光下也能拍出更精彩的照片和视频。 在此基础之上,iPhone 12 Pro增加了 焦摄像头,具有 52 毫米焦距和 2 倍光学变焦范围,...
iiMedia Research(艾媒咨询)数据显示,67.9%的受访网民期待此次发布的iPhone 12系列产品,其中近四成的受访网民表示期待作为苹果的第一款5G手机,iPhone 12通过科技赋能使各项功能产生明显升级效果。艾媒咨询分析师认为,在5G加速商用化的背景下,iPhone 12的发布有助于苹果抢夺中国5G手机市场份额,同时进一步提升全球市场份额。
Our unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. Terms of service: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/about-us/our-mission/site-terms-use 更多 ...
北京时间10月14日凌晨一点,苹果公司在Apple Park举办了今年秋季第二场特别活动,发布了iPhone 12系列、HomePod mini及Magsafe配件。 在此前多角度的剧透之后,这场新机发布会更像一次按剧本彩排的表演,并没有给市场带来太多惊喜。 如之前爆料所称的那样,此次发布的iPhone 12系列包含4款机型,分别是iPhone 12 mini、iPh...
Posted on Sep 18, 2018 12:00 AM Me too (11) Reply Question marked as Top-ranking reply User profile for user: K Shaffer K Shaffer User level: Level 8 35,332 points Posted on Sep 18, 2018 1:36 AM You may locate a linguistic expert or Apple Store/France bi-lingual who can...
iPhone 12 mini and iPhone 12 Pro Max pre-orders are set to go live at 5:00 a.m. Pacific Time on Friday, November 6, and just ahead of that deadline,...
Congrats on the new iPhone 12! We're happy to help you with this issue you're having with the medial messages not transferring over. This sounds like you restored the new iPhone from an iCloud backup. If this is the case, your SMS, MMS, messages would not have been included in that...
苹果iPhone12已在拼多多开启预约苹果将于北京时间9月16日凌晨1点举办新品发布会,但外界普遍猜测iPhone 12系列新机将不会亮相此次发布会,此次发布会只会推出新款 iPad Air 4 和 Apple Watch Series 6,不过拼多...