Then I can repro your error when I click stop: demo.js:2 MediaError {code: 4, message: 'MEDIA_ELEMENT_ERROR: Empty src attribute'} ContributorAuthor guest271314commentedAug 3, 2021 Got the demo working. Occasionally the recorded audio output is faster than expected. The audio track is not...
6、出现 code: 4, message: "No compatible video.js支持m3u8格式直播 video加载速度 未简化之前: 简化后: 三. 你可能也会遇到的错误error 错误1: {code: 4, message: "No compatible source was found...为什么要使用video.js? 1. PC端浏览器并不支持video直接播放m3u8格式的视频2. 手机端各式各样的浏...
ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.
MediaCodecCryptoErrorType Enum Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Android.Media Assembly: Mono.Android.dll Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the F:Android.Media.MediaCodec+CryptoException..ctor member. C# 复制 public enum MediaCodecCryptoErrorType ...
VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) No compatible source was found 出现的原因是你提供的视频连接可能没有扩展名导致,这样videojs无法知道视频的格式。 需要在type属性指定播放视频的格式即可。 解决方法: videojs.getPlayer("vid_bannerVideo").src({src: videoPlayUrl,type:this.files[0...
当你遇到 Video.js 报错 (code:4 media_err_src_not_supported) 时,这通常表明视频文件无法被浏览器加载或播放,原因可能是多方面的。以下是根据你提供的提示,分点解答这个问题: 1. 检查视频源URL是否正确且可访问 首先,确保你提供给 Video.js 的视频源 URL 是正确的,并且这个 URL 可以在浏览器中直接访问并...
1是event的path属性引起的bug(ie,firebox,safari) 2是event的dataTransfer.setData属性(ie,firebox) 3是firefox在拖动的时候会打开一个新窗口 (firbox) 4是ie11不支持onclick属性方法 ; ie11 里元素对象的attributes的排序和其他浏览器不同, ie11 中 remove()方法不work (ie)
@ohos.ability.errorCode (ErrorCode) @ohos.ability.wantConstant (wantConstant) @ohos.application.abilityDelegatorRegistry (AbilityDelegatorRegistry) @ohos.application.appManager (appManager) @ohos.application.Configuration (Configuration) @ohos.application.ConfigurationConstant (Config...
DRM_E_DEVCERTTEMPLATEREADERROR無法讀取裝置證書範本。0x8004c049 DRM_E_DEVCERTWRITEERROR無法儲存裝置憑證。0x8004c046 DRM_E_DEVICENOTINIT此裝置尚未針對DRM初始化服務初始化。0x8004c001 DRM_E_DRMNOTINIT應用程式未正確呼叫DRM_MGR_Initialize。0x8004c002 ...
1. Check the current and popular problems that may result in Adobe Premiere error code 1609629695. 2. Update to the newest version of Premiere Pro. 3. Force close and restart Premiere or reboot the operating system. 4. Check for the system compatibility report for the causes. If there is ...