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Mediante análisis de regresión logística las variables que mostraron relación con la aceptabilidad de la prueba positivamente fueron: la edad (grupo de 26 a 35 años; OR = 1,79; IC 95%:1,10-2,91) y ser no fumador (OR = 1,39; IC 95%: 1,01-1,93). Los residentes en...
“On the weekend down town Madrid is full of local people. Around midnight when in Barcelona people goes to sleep, here people start to have fun”, said Mónica Díaz from Madrid`s Tourism Cluster. One of the most popular area is Barrio de las Letras, writers quarters, which centre is ...
66.X's US ad revenue is projected to be $1.10 billion in 2024, down from $1.13 billion in 2023 and significantly lower than $2.36 billion in 2022. This will represent just 1.6% of US social media ad spend, making X the only major platform expected tosee a decline in ad revenue in ...
and a sibling who was awake in the next bed, at the time of the alleged abuse, a true finding was made. At no time was the teenager cautioned about telling the truth. Everyone in the courtroom was solicitous of this child to the point of ignoring contradictions in the girl’s testimony...
Department of Signal Theory and Communications, Rey Juan Carlos University, Fuenlabrada, Madrid, 28942, Spain Francisco J. Lara-Abelenda Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain María Montero-Torres Department of Legal and Psychiatry, Complutense University...
“We are the Real Madrid of esports already in terms of competition, accomplishment and brand. We’re not going to just sit on the dream and wait. We’re building the next dream for G2 – to become the G2 of sports. The future of G2 is to be a club involved in esports...
Esta situación es más frecuente a medida que aumenta la edad, especialmente si existen otros factores de riesgo para desarrollar AAA, entre los que destaca el tabaco. Otros factores de riesgo de los AAA serían: antecedentes familiares de aneurismas, presencia de aneurisma en otras ...
We analyze data from Twitter to uncover early-warning signals of COVID-19 outbreaks in Europe in the winter season 2019–2020, before the first public announcements of local sources of infection were made. We show evidence that unexpected levels of conce