保存一个项目会产生4个文件夹 分别是 “Adobe Premiere Pro Preview Files” “Encoded Files...
“Adobe Premiere Pro Preview Files”“Encoded Files”“Media Cache Files”“Premiere Pro Auto-Save”大家有兴趣可以看看“Media Cache Files”这个文件夹,会发现通常它会非常大,很占地方,打开进去,会发现里面有“PEAK”文件和“CFA”文件,一些文件名就是你导入进去的素材名 可是点击那些CFA文件的...
ClickOKto apply the changes. Note: When the age or size preference is enabled, changes take place only after you quit and restart Bridge. On the next application launch, Bridge determines whether the media cache files meet the criteria for deletion, and if so, begins deletion five minutes af...
一般除了"Auto-Save"(自动保存)文件夹外 其它都可以删 你高兴的话也可以删掉 Media Cache Files是音频缓存 删掉后会重新读一遍
Delete the Media Cache and Media Cache files:https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro/faq-how-to-clear-your-media-cache-in-30-seconds-in-premi...If that doesn't work, try resetting the preferences:https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro/faq-how-to-reset-trash-preferences-in-...
你premiere做好了么?这个其实是预览文件啦 如果你做好了删了好了 如果还需要修改那不要删 删了 编辑起来的话它又要重新预览一遍 很慢
By default, both the cache files (in the Media Cache Files folder) and the media cache database files (in the Media Cache folder) are stored in these locations: Mac: /Users//Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common Windows: \Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming...