Mental health stigma: examples and 4 ways to fight it The best mental health podcasts to listen to any time Debt and mental health: Your guide to reducing financial anxiety Intuitive eating: ditch the diet & reconnect with your body Look to your social health if you want to improve ...
2015). Like other online communication, the ability to connect with others anonymously may be an important feature of social media, especially for individuals living with highly stigmatizing health conditions (Berger et al. 2005), such as serious mental disorders (Highton-Williamson et al. 2015)...
Objectives To assess the effects of mass media interventions on reducing stigma (discrimination and prejudice) related to mental ill health compared to inactive controls, and to make comparisons of effectiveness based on the nature of the intervention (e.g. number of mass media components), the ...
Stigma keeps many men from seeking mental health support. These 3 shifts in thinking can help Chappell Roan drops out of music festival to prioritize health Gen Z’s anxiety is spilling into the workplace. Here’s how to effectively manage the ‘anxious generation...
This concept has been explored byprevious research, which has examined the role that the media plays in creating this sense of self-stigma. Asmall amount of research has shown that the media can directly impact negative views of mental healthprofessionals and create a sense of self-stigma. ...
Contradictory claims regarding the effect of social media use on mental health needs to be resolved. The purpose of the study was to summarise the association between the time spent on social media platform during the COVID-19 quarantine and mental health outcomes (i.e., anxiety and depression...
Still, society’s spotlight on social media is driving productive conversations about mental health. Not to mention addressing the stigma associated with those who struggle. Below we break down how to manage mental health and social media. This includes healthy habits and tips for navigating it bot...
stigmaEvidence suggests that mainstream media coverage of mental illness tends to focus on factors such as crime and violence. Thus, mental health advocates have argued that alternative portrayals are necessary to reduce stigma.The aim of this paper is to compare the tone and content of mainstream...
Glenn Close believes the character she portrayed in “Fatal Attraction” contributed to the stigma associated with poor mental health.
However,socialmediacanalsohavepositiveeffectsonmentalwell-being.Itcanbeusedtoraiseawarenessandreducestigmaaroundmentalhealthissues.Socialmediaplatformscanalsoconnectindividualswithmentalhealthsupportnetworksandprovideaplatformforpeopletosharetheirexperiences,whichcanhelpreducethesenseofisolationfeltbysome. Furthermore,...