sublayer 下[低 access n.[U] 1.入口;进入 2.(人的)可进入 3.进入权 4.探视权 v.[T] 获取(尤指电脑数据) ACCESS =Architects Central Constructional Engineering Surveying Service建筑师中心建筑工程勘测服务([英]GLC) Access 微软公司生产的数据库软件 self access n. 自行选择学习资料的方法 a. ...
在信息技术领域中,"MLME"是一个常见的缩写词,它代表"Media Access Control (MAC) Sublayer Management Entity",中文翻译为“媒体访问控制(MAC)子层管理实体”。这个概念主要应用于网络通信管理,负责协调和控制数据在MAC层的传输,确保网络资源的有效利用和数据包的正确传输。MLME作为一个缩写词,其英...
数据链路层分为两个子层:逻辑链路控制子层(LLC,LogicLinkControlsublayer),介质访问控制子层(MAC,MediaAccessControlsublayer)。相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 正确 局域网将数据链路层划分为两个子层:逻辑链路控制LLC子层和介质访问控制MAC子层,从而使LAN体系结构能适应多种传输介质。因此,对各种类型的局域网来说,...
XGMII信号数目(74 根)较多,通常用于芯片内的连接,不适合作为芯片间通信的接口,因此协议定义XGXS(XGMII eXtender Sublayer)子层以缩减信号数目,简化硬件设计。XGXS 子层主要完成 8b/10b 编码和不同Lane之间的去偏斜等功能。如图8所示,在信号链的两端,MAC和PHY 都包括XGXS子层,XAUI 是XGXS 之间通信的接口。 Media Access Control This sublayer, which depends on a physical layer, is a procedure controlled by the sender, in which several devices (on multidrop or bus networks) compete to gain access to the medium for data transfer. This sublayer decides, among competing devices, on who...
H265VideoLayer H265VideoProfile Hls HlsSettings Image ImageFormat InputDefinition InputFile InsightsType InterleaveOutput IpAccessControl IpRange Job Job.Definition Job.DefinitionStages Job.DefinitionStages.Blank Job.DefinitionStages.WithCorrelationData Job.DefinitionStages.WithCreate Job.DefinitionStages.WithDescri...
Supported values are webrtc.vp8.N-layer, android.generic.N, android.generic.N+M and none, where N denotes the total number of non-bidirectional layers (which must be at least 1) and M denotes the total number of bidirectional layers (which must be non-negative). <p class=note>android....
The arbiter/aggregator device is connected to a high speed trunk for moving data packets from the various hosts to an output (the upstream or next layer switch). An input is provided connected to a high speed egress trunk. Each of the ports is connected to the high speed egress trunk via...
AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstruction AVOutputSettingsAssistant AVPermissionGranted AVPersistableContentKeyRequest AVPixelAspectRatio AVPixelAspectRatioProperties AVPlayer AVPlayer.Notifications AVPlayerActionAtItemEnd AVPlayerHdrMode AVPlayerItem AVPlayerItem.Notifications AVPlayerItemAccessLog AVPlayerItemAccessLogEv...
Vessels are composed of three layers, thetunica intima, media and adventitia. Tunica intima is covered with endothelium and the underlyingbasal laminathatrests onaloose connective tissuelayer with scatteredsmooth muscle cells(subendothelium). In arteries, a compact layer ofelastic fibers, the internal...