Another big change for Medi-Cal is the elimination of the so-called asset limit test for a certain subset of enrollees, including people who are aged, blind, disabled, in long-term care, or on Medicare. In addition to meeting income requirements, people have had to keep the total value o...
The article discusses the changes that should be implemented by the California Medi-Cal Eligibility Division on its Medi-Cal Eligibility System (MEDS) to comply with the requirements of the health care reform. Ac...
” Elisa Alvarado, member of Red Earth Women’s Society, told San José Spotlight. “I worked many years with Medi-Cal as a therapist in mental health, and they make it very complicated and time consuming to use
Demand for services across California: All of California's geographic regions had significantly more people who were potentially eligible for both Community-Based Adult Services and the Multipurpose Senior Services Program than actually used them. Los Angeles County served 38% of those potentially eligib...
“Before, California’s requirements were four pages long, and now it’s just a little more than a page,” said Lisa Murdock, chief advocacy officer for the American Diabetes Assn., who helped push for the changes. “This is a really important step forward. It means not having to constan...
Berkeley POLICY ALERT April 1999 The Problem The recent implementation of the Healthy Families Program for low-income children in California has made even more visible those features of the Medi- Cal program that continue to create barriers to enroll- ment, continuity of care, access to needed ca...
Introduction In 2016, the California Department of Health Care Services issued All Plan Letter 16-014 to the Medi-Cal Managed Care plans to provide information on requirements for comprehensive tobacco-cessation services. Researchers at ... SB Mcmenamin,SW Yoeun,JP Wellman,... - 《American Journ...
I am so glad that Atty Laura Butkute, with Elder Care Law, was referred to us. When the family initially tried to help my mom apply for Medi-Cal, on our own, it was overwhelming for us with all these new information and requirements. During the initial consultation with Atty Laura, sh...
Medi-Cal rules require that recipients pay income in excess of their “maintenance need” level toward their own medical bills before Medi-Cal begins to pay. What is the difference between “cost-sharing” and “share of cost”? Cost-sharing/co-pay requirements differ from share of cost (...
CaliforniaDepartmentofHealthServices Medi-CalManagedCareTransition Today,CaliforniaprovidesMedi-Calbenefitsviaamanagedcaredeliverysystem in22countiesto3.2millionbeneficiariesincludingfamilies,children,seniorsand personslivingwithdisabilities.Ofthe3.2millionindividualscurrentlyenrolledin ...