Call Medi-Cal Directly You can also check on your Medi-Cal status bycalling the Medi-Cal hotlineat(800) 541-5555. If you're outside of California, call(916) 636-1980. Since you don't have your BIC yet, you can get information on your Medi-Cal status by entering thelast four digit...
Edward El lives in a Project Roomkey shelter at the Radisson Hotel in Oakland but will soon be moving into his own apartment after spending much of the past 16 years homeless. He was assisted by a pilot project for the state’s new Medi-Cal reform program.Photo by Martin do Nascimento, ...
Roldos N, Breva-Aymerich J, Briones-Carcedo O, Caballero-Arias A, Cabanes-Pepio A, Cabre-Vila J-J, Calamote-Manso F, Cando-Guash G, Canela-Armengol T, Cañisa-Roig A, Carrillo-Ciurana C, Caselles-Martinez A, Castelao A-I, Castelar-Salinas M-J, Castellanos-Cotte J-D, ...