abeginning this year,medi-cal eligibility will be determined for most people using income tax rules and personal filing information.medi-cal will count the size of your household and your income based on your tax information.if you do not file taxes,you can still get medi-cal 起点今年,医疗合...
Health care management Low-income women| Does having Medi-Cal coverage predict increased mammography use? CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITYLONG BEACH Grace Reynolds TomkaJenniferAs the rates of breast cancer continue to increase, researchers and medical professionals struggle to give a definitive cause of the...
L.A. Civil Rights Group Alleges Medi-Cal Unfair to Low-Income LatinosLow-income Latinos in the Southland and elsewhere are deniedaccess to health care because the...Service, City News
Santigosa-Ayala A, Pedret A, Valls-Zamora RM, Sola R, on behalf of the MEDISTAR Research Group Investigators. Mediterranean Diet and Lung Function in Adults Current Smokers: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in the MEDISTAR Project.Nutrients. 2023; 15(5):1272. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15051272...