California could face financial pressure as enrollment in the state's Medicaid program continues to surpass expectations and federal matching funds decrease. So far, California has enrolled about 2.3 million people in the expanded Medi-Cal program -- nearly three times more than it anticipated. AP/...
Medi-Cal offers various free or affordable programs to get pregnant individuals into coverage right away. Need pregnancy coverage now? Get covered right away. Apply What’s Available thumb_up Enrolling in these programs is quick and easy — just click the Apply button above. For more information...
You can initiate a request on this website to apply for either Covered California or Medi-Cal. After submitting an online request, you will be contacted within 8 business hours by a certified enrollment agent to assist you with the application and to answer any of your questions. The enrollme...
California could face financial pressure as enrollment in the state's Medicaid program continues to surpass expectations and federal matching funds decrease. So far, California has enrolled about 2.3 million people in the expanded Medi-Cal program -- nearly three times more than it anticipated. AP/...
The Evidence Children's Access One of the major barriers to increasing enrollment of eligible children in the Medi-Cal program is the cum- bersome application process. Nearly 30% of all the chil- dren in the state who are eligible for Medi-Cal are not enrolled in the program and remain ...
Medi-Cal Compensation Inadequate, Doctors Say, as Enrollment Boom LoomsMedi-Cal Compensation Inadequate, Doctors Say, as Enrollment Boom LoomsWhen Dr. Jerold Kaplan made a home visit last year to a man witha foot wound, he billed Medi-Cal...Kleffman, Sandy...
According to Sacramento, California-based Health Management Associates consultant Vivian Auble, the state should modernize its enrollment procedure to facilitate application. The MEDS is also utilized by the Medicaid Man...
Reasons for the delay; Involvement of the California Department of Health Services; Comments from some officials involved.Shinkman, RonModern Healthcare
Call Center Opens for Expanded Medi-Cal Pre-EnrollmentNelson, Joe
State Expanding Medi-Cal and Streamlining EnrollmentKleffman, Sandy