Once you apply for the type of coverage you need with Covered California, you will find out if you are eligible and how the coverage program applies to you. Renewing Your Benefits Find out if you are eligible for Medi-Cal Shop and CompareorApply Now ...
Attention: Medi-Cal is changing its rules so more people can get covered. Starting January 1, 2024, more adults will be eligible for full Medi-Cal benefits.
Specialists in Medi-Cal, Elder Care & VA Benefits planning, Asset Protection and Help with Admission to Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing Facilities.
insurance marketplace where Californians can shop for health plans and access financial assistance if they qualify for it. Health plans available through Medi-Cal and Covered California both offer a similar set of important benefits, called essential health benefits.How can I apply for Medi-Cal?You...
The Free Assessment will explain the Medi-Cal options available and reveal potential barriers specific to the applicant. If you already have Medi-Cal Coverage, and you still have Medi-Cal Questions then please click the Button Below, fill out the Contact Form and someone will get back to you...
Medi-Cal offers various free or affordable programs to get pregnant individuals into coverage right away. Need pregnancy coverage now? Get covered right away. Apply What’s Available thumb_up Enrolling in these programs is quick and easy — just click the Apply button above. For more information...
Medi-Cal Benefits Qualifying for Medi-Cal nursing home coverage, while preserving assets, minimizing “share of cost,” and avoiding State recovery actions. Learn More Conservatorships Our staff has extensive experience in conservatorships and alternatives that may avoid the need for a conservatorship ...
This brief presents data on dental coverage benefits and enrollee's access and use of dental services through the Healthy Kids program in San Mateo County, California, which offers subsidized health and dental insurance for children livi... D Hughes - The nonpartisan Urban Institute publishes studie...
Health care management Low-income women| Does having Medi-Cal coverage predict increased mammography use? CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITYLONG BEACH Grace Reynolds TomkaJenniferAs the rates of breast cancer continue to increase, researchers and medical professionals struggle to give a definitive cause of the...
CaliforniaDepartmentofHealthServices Medi-CalManagedCareTransition Today,CaliforniaprovidesMedi-Calbenefitsviaamanagedcaredeliverysystem in22countiesto3.2millionbeneficiariesincludingfamilies,children,seniorsand personslivingwithdisabilities.Ofthe3.2millionindividualscurrentlyenrolledin Medi-Calmanagedcare,approximately280,000...