(Tragedy, Greek, 431 BCE, 1,419 lines) MY LATEST VIDEOS Introduction | Synopsis | Analysis | Resources Introduction – Who is Medea Back to Top of Page “Medea” (Gr: “Medeia”) is a tragedy written by the ancient Greek playwright Euripides, based on the myth of Jason and Me...
MYTHPOLITICAL communityCHARACTERThis paper will primarily focus on the philosophical depictions of Medea's character and actions. The following identities will be examined: gender (which roles defined a woman in antiquity and are these definitions still relevant today), political (what does it mean ...
This study begins with a summary of the ancient Greek myth of Jason and Medea, which will provide the background information necessary for comprehension of the works studied. What will follow is an analysis and comparisons of the "five Medeas". The first is the classical interpretation of the...
Summary Excerpt Details Medea is a name familiar to everyone. The associations vary but we all know her to be the murderess of her children. This article presents the myth of Medea, the different legends and literary works, the literary history and the many changes in the portrayal of her...
MAXnotes cover the essentials of what one should know about each work, including an overall summary, character lists, an explanation and discussion of the plot, the work's historical context, illustrations to convey the mood of the work, and a biography of the author. Each chapter is ...
Add new Web site: Ancient Literature - Medea Euripides Play Summary Medea Greek Mythology. Gloria Lotha Oct 01, 2023 Add new Web site: Medea. Emily Rodriguez Nov 17, 2019 Add new Web site: The Internet Classics Archive - Medea. ...