Medco Energi InternasionalPT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk is an Indonesia-based oil & gas exploration and production company. Within three decades, the company has grown its business and became an integrated energy firm engaged in exploration and production, integration of the gas value chain, ...
Medco Energi Internasional Tbk PT ADR的价格 / 最近12个月的自由现金流于2019 (4.0x, -86.7%)和2021 (1.9x, -68.6%)减少和于2020 (5.9x, +47.0%)、2022 (2.6x, +39.2%)和2023 (2.7x, +5.0%)增加。 相比竞争对手,Medco Energi ADR的价格 / 最近12个月的自由现金流基准如何? 我们发现下列公司与Me...
Medco Energi Internasional Tbk PT ADR的市盈率均值(5年)排名为第-12.6x名,处于板块内9.5%的水平。下表提供了更多数据的摘要: 板块能源的市盈率均值(5年) 经济风险区类别发展中 全部成分股412 包括的成分股396 分钟-123.8x 最大值163.3x 中位数9.0x ...
MedcoEnergi Results of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Stock 19/02/2025-(Trailing 20 days) MEDC-IDX (IDR) 1,080 Market Cap (Trillion IDR) 27.1 Volume (lot) 81,524 Whistleblower Ensuring MedcoEnergi is a safe, fair and honest place to work. ...
Find the latest Medco Energi Internasional Tbk PT ADR (MEYYY) annual income statements, balance sheets, financial statements, ratios, and cash flow data at
In late 2004, Hilmi Panigoro, CEO of the publicly traded Indonesian oil company Medco Energi Internasional, is striving to regain majority control of the company his brother Arifin founded in 1980. The Asian financial crisis of 1999 led to a major restructuring that left the Panigoros with a ...
Lync Server成功案例——MedcoEnergi Internasional
In late 2004, Hilmi Panigoro, CEO of the publicly traded Indonesian oil company Medco Energi Internasional, is striving to regain majority control of the company his brother Arifin founded in 1980. The Asian financial crisis of 1999 led to a major restructuring that left the Panigoros with a ...
PT Medco Energi Internasional的按格雷厄姆估值计算公式计的上涨潜力于2023 (114.6%, -23.7%)减少、于2021 (-51.0%, -49.0%)和2022 (150.1%, -394.0%)增加和于2019 (-100.0%)和2020 (-100.0%)持稳。
PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk DB:MEF 印度尼西亚 / 能源 / 石油、天然气和消费燃料 货币€添加至自选组合 自动检测出错 我们发现这个模型的初始假设需要调整。虽然模型的方法和历史数据是可靠的,但我们建议你彻底检查一下所有的假设。我们在计算公允价值时,没有采用这个模型。