The Chindits known offical as Long Range Penetration Groups were an Indian military organization that aided the British Army in the war against the Japanese occupation throughout South East Asia. The Chindits were formed for raiding operations against th
"Gott Mit Uns" — The slogan of the Wehrmacht in World War II. The Wehrmacht are featured in every Medal of Honor game as the primary antagonists to date, with the exceptions of the 2010 Medal of Honor game, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, and Medal of Honor
He was awarded a Fields Medal in 1954, being the first Japanese national to receive this honour. 他在1954年获得菲尔兹奖,是获此荣誉的首位日本人。 LASER-wikipedia2 The UCI awards a gold medal and a rainbow jersey to the winner. UCI會給冠軍選手金牌和一件彩虹戰衣。 LASER-wikipedia2 ...