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medal of honor warfighter 我需要載入遊戲相關協助 變更主題 推薦規格 排解您與 EA 遊戲的連線問題 文章 在線上遊玩 EA 遊戲時遇到問題嗎?我們的步驟可能會協助您恢復連線。 閱讀文章 實用資源 文章 無法在 EA app 中下載、安裝或載入遊戲 如果您的下載無法執行或您的遊戲未能安裝,請嘗試這些 EA app PC 或...
英文名称:Medal of Honor 游戏语言:英语 开发厂商:Electronic Arts 发行厂商:EA LA 游戏类型:射击 ...
【英文名称】:Medal of Honor - Frontline 【制作厂商】:Electronic Arts Square 【主机机种】:PS2 ...
ps3《荣誉勋章 Medal Of Honor》亚版中文ISO下载,荣誉勋章是一款第一人称射击游戏,这款游戏一上线就备受好评,精彩的玩法和流畅的画面让很多玩家爱不释手,千万不要错过! 《荣誉勋章》是一款由EA制作的战争类游戏,该系列游戏自发布以来一直以其对二战《荣誉勋章》是一款由EA制作的战争类游戏,该系列游戏自发布以来一...
Medal of Honor is a first-person shooter video game. Developed by Danger Close, a team within the EA Los Angeles studio, and DICE, it is the twelfth installment in the Medal of Honor series and was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on October 12, 2010. The ...
Medal of Honor: Directed by Tobias Strömvall, Blade Zavier, Sam McGlynn. With Jeffrey Pierce, Jon Bruno, Dustin James Leighton, Chris Fries. A first person shooter developed with the help of Tier 1 military operators depicting violent missions in Afga
StixsworldHD's HD-4K Experience is a mod for Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, created by StixsmasterHD. Description: This mod/preset is designed to help you get the sharpest, cleanest image you may get out of your game without the need to force anything upon your gpu and taken a ...
“荣誉勋章”(英语:Medal of Honor)是美国艺电 1999 年发行,由“梦工厂”制作的以第二次世界大战为背景的第一人称射击游戏,只为 Playstation 发行。斯皮尔伯格是该作的制作人。 斯皮尔伯格指出,制作电脑游戏的念头诞生于 1997 年,当时他的儿子正在 N64 上玩时人评价极高的名作“007 黄金眼”,斯皮尔伯格旁观时...
The PC successor to the PlayStation title Medal of Honor is a highly regarded first-person shooter. Medal of Honor uses the Quake III engine and puts you in the role of an intrepid World War II infantryman...