is a series of first-person shooter games developed by and published by Electronic Arts and its subsidiaries and affiliates. It is one of the most well-known shooter series, and was one of the pioneers of World War II shooter games. It was created by American film director Steven Spielberg....
PDM 86 deployed. v•d•e Weapons ofMedal of Honor: Warfighter Handguns Glock 23·Vickers 1911·Glock 18·SIG-Sauer P226·HK 45CT Assault Rifles HK 416·LaRue OBR 5.56·F88·AK-103·HK G36C·AK5·FN SCAR·HK G3·EBR CarbinesandPDWs ...
The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) is a terrorist group featured in Medal of Honor: Warfighter. The group utilizes whatever weapons they can access and relies on grenades, improvised explosive devices (primarily derived from land mines), machine guns, RPGs and m
to provide a variety of strategic applications across many disciplines. SOG operators can be inserted as a component of large scale conventional warfare operations, and also be called upon to provide small footprint, cross-functional teams into sensitive situations such as hostage...
Chindits inMedal of Honor: Rising Sun Chindit soldier in Burma. Chindit soldier inMedal of Honor: Rising Sun. Quotes "Don't Worry, they'll be back." "Where they go, they were just here?" "Have at it, you blither!" Appearances ...
The is a British submachine gun featured in Medal of Honor: Underground, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Spearhead and Breakthrough, Medal of Honor: Frontline, Medal of Honor: Rising Sun and Medal of Honor: European Assault. It was famous for its recogni
"Gott Mit Uns" — The slogan of the Wehrmacht in World War II. The Wehrmacht are featured in every Medal of Honor game as the primary antagonists to date, with the exceptions of the 2010 Medal of Honor game, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, and Medal of Honor
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Rank Private Affiliations 101st Airborne Division Nationality American Status Alive/KIA[1] Death June 7th, 1944 Near Carentan, France (Possibly) Weapon Browning Automatic Rifle Ramsey and Powell were in the area to take care of any Flak 88 cannons and find any pa...
Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond, if nothing else, represents a symbolic step forward for VR game platforms like the Oculus Quest 2. It’s the closest thing to a AAA title I’ve played on my headset yet. I don’t know if its nearly-50GB file size is warranted given the so-so visu...
The Medal of Valor, later known as the Imperial Medal of Valor, was a prestigious military award in the Galactic Republic and later the Imperial Military. It was an award of some significance, although presumably secondary to the Distinguished Medal of I