Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, and the Ideology of the MilitaryPenney, Joel
Medalmedal 勋章 来自 荣誉勋章(Medal of Honor)《荣誉勋章》(Medal of Honor)是EA公司尽全力开发的用来打击《使命召唤(Call of Duty)》系列FPS(First-Person Shooter Game)王者地位的重磅作品。游戏中的画面与任务设计相当真实,让玩家身临其境。Medal是奖牌、奖章的意思,奥运会颁奖时这个词是出现在屏幕中最多的...
据Infinity Ward的艺术家Justin Thomas曝料,首部《使命召唤(Call of Duty)》游戏的开发代号竟然为“荣誉勋章克星(Medal of Honor Killer)”。现在看来,虽然EA和动视还是竞争对手,但是《荣誉勋章(Medal of Honor)》早已名存实亡,《使命召唤》现在最大的对手变成了《战地》系列游戏。但是回到2003年,Infinity Ward的目...
medal 勋章来自荣誉勋章(Medal of Honor) 《荣誉勋章》(Medal of Honor)是EA公司尽全力开发的用来打击《使命召唤(Call of Duty)》系列FPS(First-Person Shooter Game)王者地位的重磅作品。游戏中的画面与任务设计相当真实,让玩家身临其境。Medal是奖牌、奖章的意思,奥运会颁奖时这个词是出现在屏幕中最多的,其中金...
Medal of Honor- the highest U.S. military decoration awarded for bravery and valor in action `above and beyond the call of duty' Congressional Medal of Honor laurel wreath,medal,decoration,ribbon,medallion,palm- an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event ...
Medal of Honor: Directed by Tobias Strömvall, Blade Zavier, Sam McGlynn. With Jeffrey Pierce, Jon Bruno, Dustin James Leighton, Chris Fries. A first person shooter developed with the help of Tier 1 military operators depicting violent missions in Afga
In fact, the protagonist ofMedal of Honornever talks at all. 事实上, 《荣誉勋章》的主角从头到尾都不说一句话. 互联网 The most difficult medal to get is themedal of honor. 最难获得的勋章是荣誉勋章(MedalofHonor). 互联网 Lt . Dan: They gave you the congressionalMedal of Honor. ...
36 -- 26:59 App Medal of HonorWarfighter荣誉勋章战士-第6关(急流勇退) 35 -- 33:08 App Medal of HonorWarfighter荣誉勋章战士-第13关(结束一切)最后一关 61 -- 8:34 App Medal of HonorWarfighter荣誉勋章战士-第4关(热力追缉) 57 -- 50:39 App Battlefield Hardline战地硬仗(第8集) 84 -...
Medal of Honor noun the highest U.S. military decoration, awarded by Congress to a member of the armed forces for gallantry and bravery in combat, at the risk of life and above and beyond the call of duty. Discover More Example Sentences...
the highest U.S. military decoration awarded for bravery and valor in action above and beyond the call of duty' 相似短语 medal of honorphr. 荣誉勋章 congressional medal of honorphr. 国会荣誉勋章 in honor of为向…表示敬意 in honor在荣誉上,在道义上 ...