Other risks of long-term use of nasal decongestants include nasal dryness, irritation, and nosebleeds. In rare cases, they can also cause high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, or even heart attack. If you have been using a nasal decongestant spray for more than a few days and are expe...
epistaxis nosebleed anosmia inability to smell coryza common cold Emphysema A serious disease that destroys lung tissue and causes breathing difficulties. asthma episodes of breathing difficulty due to narrowed or obstructed airways crackles in lungs Abnormal lung sounds indicating fluid accumulation wheezing...
自动术语匹配自动术语匹配(automatictermmapping)是指PubMed对输入检索框中的检索词进行智能化地校地,将其逐步地与其数据库中的各类术语匹配的原则,依次为主题词表(MeSH(MedicalSubjectHeadings)TranslationTable),期干U表(JournalsTranslationTable),短词表(praseList),作者索弓I(AuthorIndex)。2 .期刊匹配表(Journal...
The medical term for a nosebleed is? epistaxis A material used to hold a dressing in place, and create pressure over a bleeding wound is what? Bandage a material placed over a wound, to control bleeding, and reduce the risk of infection is called what? dressing What is performed to establ...
said that they are more alert and feel less drowsy at daytime. Moreover, they are also in a better mood throughout the day and carrying out more productive work. BiPAP therapy reduces long-term risk such as high blood pressure, stroke, heart-related problems, and in some cases, a...
term, nosebleed? (2)Phrase Search 将检索词加上英文半角双引号,系统关闭自动 词语匹配功能,将其视为一个整体在数据库的所有 可检字段中进行检索。 如“hereditary spastic paraplegia”(遗传性痉挛性截瘫) (3)Truncation Search 使用*作为通配符进行截词检索,截词检索时, ...
记录末尾标识: [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] ⑷ Publisher Supplied Citations 出版商直接向PubMed提供的电子记录,数据时 时更新。 记录末尾标识: [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] (1)Automatic Term Mapping 自动对照MeSH转换表、期刊转换表、著者转换表、著者索引、调查者转换表、调查者索引, 依次寻找转...
如果这咱词少于150 个,PubMed 会逐个词检索,若超过150 个(如:Staph* ),PubMed 将显示如下警告信息:“Wildcard search for term* used only the first 150 variations. Lengthen the root word to search for all endings 。截词功能只限于单词,对词组无效。如:“infection*” 包括“infections”,但不包括“...
However, many phrases are recognized by the MeSH Translation Table used in PubMed’s Automatic Term Mapping (ATM) feature. For example, if you enter fever of unknown origin, PubMed recognizes this phrase as a MeSH concept. If a phrase is not recognized you can instruct PubMed to bypass ...
默认检索AutomaticTermMapping PubMedusesanAutomaticTermMapping featuretosearchforunqualifiedterms.WhenyouclickGo,PubMedwilllookforamatchinuptothelists.ItlooksfirstforamatchintheMeSHTranslationTable.Ifitdoesn'tfindamatch,itlooksintheJournalsTranslationTableandfinallyintheAuthorIndex.unqualifiedterms-Termsthatare...