为胃肠道最常见的功能性疾病。以肠道症状为主,患者常有腹痛、腹胀、肠鸣、腹泻和便秘等症状。过去称此为结肠功能紊乱、结肠痉挛、结肠过敏、痉挛性结肠炎、粘液性结肠炎、情绪性腹泻等,现渐倾向于统称为肠激惹综合征(Irritable bowel syndrome)。实际上,本征肠道功能紊乱,并没有炎性病变,而且功能紊乱也不限于结肠。
临床执业助理医师辅导精华:肠道易激综合征 肠道易激综合征(irritable bowel syndrome,IBS)又称为痉挛性结肠或结肠激惹综合征,这是临床上最常见的一种肠道功能性疾病,是一种特殊病理生理基础的,独立性的肠功能紊乱性疾病。其特征是肠道壁无器质性病变,但整个肠道对刺激的生理反应有过度或反常现象。表现为腹痛、腹泻...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects as many as 20% of individuals worldwide and has a significant impact on quality of lif
Cite this: Management of Functional Abdominal Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Children and Adolescents - Medscape - Jun 01, 2010. Abstract and Introduction Management of Children with FAP & IBS Dietary Therapy Cognitive–behavioral Therapy & Other Psychosocial Interventions Pharmacotherapy Complementary...
Irritable bowel syndrome: Epidemiology, overlap disorders, pathophysiology and treatment. July 14, 2023 [MEDLINE Abstract] Progress in immunotherapy for neuroendocrine neoplasm of the digestive system. July 14, 2023 [MEDLINE Abstract] Schistosomal (bilharzial) polyps: Travel through the colon and beyond...
加藤直哉之所以如此推薦,要從他自身的例子說起,他患有不時腹瀉、腹痛的「腸躁症」,也就是大腸激躁症(,Irritable bowel syndrome,IBS),自幼腸胃就不太好,經常在考試前、運動會等重要時刻,因為緊張而出現腸胃症狀,可以說很大程度上已經造成生活上的不便。
The overlap syndrome of functional dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome (FD-IBS) is very common and difficult to treat. There are many risk factors of FD-IBS. Mental illness of FD-IBS patients is more serious. Functional dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome have some similarities in the ...
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) GERD Gastroenterologists also perform endoscopic services, including colonoscopy Know Your Doctor: Dermatologist Dermatologists treat diseases and conditions of the skin, hair, and nails. Diseases and Conditions Dermatologists Treat ...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Whipple's Disease Acute Viral Hepatitis Diffuse Esophageal Spasm Gastritis Celiac Disease Cholangitis Choledocholithiasis Diverticular Disease Procedures Performed(20) Hydrogen Breath Test Upper GI Endoscopy Colonoscopy Liver Biopsy ...
IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome) A female patient is admitted to the medical surgical floor , her chief of compliant in the ER was Abdominal pain, while doing her admission assessment she states to you she is having , some constipation but diarrhea as well , abdominal distention, bloating, urg...