Summary of All PMA Submissions Originals: 3 Supplements: 67 Summary of PMA Supplement PMA Approval/Denial Decision Times Number of Approvals: 87 Number of Denials: 0 Average Days Fr Receipt to Decision (Total Time): 173.2 FDA Time: 127.2 Days MFR Time: 46.0 Days PMA Original Approvals PMA ...
Data som hämtas via dataportalen City of Chicago. Den här datamängden innehåller information om inspektioner av livsmedelsanläggningar som genomfördes i Chicago. Inklusive information om varje anläggning, de överträdelser som hittats (om några) och resultaten av ...
Severe trauma is often sustained by the duct wall during this cellular destruction process, and some devices combine cooling systems with microwave antennas to reduce trauma to the ductal wall. For treating the prostate with these devices, for example, heat energy is delivered through the walls of...
Sharkey, Hugh R. (Redwood City, CA) Lundquist, Ingemar H. (Pebble Beach, CA) Lax, Ronald G. (Grass Valley, CA) Baker Jr., James Allen (Palo Alto, CA) Application Number: 09/819151 Publication Date: 10/15/2002 Filing Date: