涉及近20个领域的EI期刊,不收版面费~ 本期刊亮点 期刊发展潜力大,已被ESCI收录; 含金量高,可以申博,加分等; 不收取出版费用; 国人发文占比43%,友好度高。 01期刊范围 Mechatronic Systems and Control由ACTA出版社在1972年出版,发表理论和应用方面的论文,内容涉及机电一体化系统、建模、设计、传统和智能控制以及智...
2018 International Conference on Mechatronic Systems and Robots (ICMSR 2018)--ACM, Ei, Scopus and ISI Singapore May 25-27, 2018 http://www.icmsr.org/ Publication: ICMSR 2018 proceedings will be published in the International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM, which will be archived in the A...