开通VIP Mechanism and Machine Theory (机械原理) Lecture 1 1 Introduction (绪论) Study Object(研究对象) 1. Definition(定义) Mechanism and Machine Theory (MMT) = Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (TMM) (机械原理=机构和机器的理论) 2. Object(对象) Machinery = Mechanisms + Machines (机械) (机...
《机 械 原 理》 《Theory of machines and mechanisms 》 机械设计教研室 杨勇 邮箱 手机 以培养 “能提出创新构思并能尽快将其转化为有竞争力的产品”的初步能力为目标。 课程目标 钢铁冶炼—设计—制造—装配—使用—再制造—报废处理—钢铁冶炼 方案设计 零件设计 机械原理 机械设计 机械产品全生命周期: ...
TheoryofMachinesandMechanisms 主讲/Instructor:孙道恒/DaohengSun 机电工程系/Dept.,MechanicalandElectrical Engineering,XiamenUniversity Email:sundh1339@163 http://polysys.xmu.edu RelatedToTheCourse 理论力学计算机基础普通物理……工程制图TMM LectureNotes: http://Polysys.xmu.edu TextbooksandReferences Texts ...
A mechanism is the part of a machine which contains two or more pieces arranged so that the motion of one compels the motion of the others. Generally used to: Change the direction of movement Change the type of movement Change the speed of movement Change the amount of torque or force ava...
机械原理与机械设计 TheoryandDesignof MechanismsandMachines 国家级十五规划教材 机械原理与机械设计 机械工业出版社出版 第一版 2004年 天津大学机械原理与机械设计教研室集体编写 主 编:张 策 副主编:陈树昌 孟彩芳 课程内容 导论 (第1篇) 机械原理部分 (第2篇~第4篇) 机械设计部分 (第5篇~第6篇) 课程...
MechanismandMachineTheory(MMT)=TheoryofMachinesandMechanisms(TMM)(机械原理=机构和机器的理论)2.Object(对象)Machinery=Mechanisms+Machines(机械)(机构)(机器)2 3.Concepts(概念)1)Machinee.g.Internalcombustionengine(内燃机)3 1Cylinder(缸体)2Piston(活塞)3Coupler(连杆)4Crank(曲柄)4’Pinion(...
Thedrivingrockcandrivetheratchettorotateintermediatelyinthesamewayinbothdirectionsofoscillation Double-function双动式 Externallymeshed外啮合 Internallymeshed内啮合 Ratchetrack棘轮齿条Doublefunction双动式
pressure and temperature. The relative motion of planes in the fluid Planes (micorostructures) that are moving one raltive to the other in the fluid: Perpendicular motion: Electrostatic motion perpendicular to the substrate, Tuning fork beams. Parallel motion: Comb Drive. The damping is influenced...
机械原理 TheoryofMachinesandMechanisms Today’sTopicsToday’sTopics Whatarewegoingtostudyinthiscourse? DesignProcess Courseinformationandrequirements Howtobeanengineer? Methodsoflearning Abriefreviewofthemachinehistory Homework Mechanism&Machine KinematicsKineticsorDynamics KinematicanalysisKinematicsynthesis Objects How...