Friedel Crafts Acylation have several advantages over Friedel Craft Alkylation. These advantages include a better control over the reaction products and also the acylium cation is stabilized by resonance so no chances of rearrangement. Using Clemmensen reduction, the ketones made can be reduced to alky...
Insight into Friedel - Craft s acylation of 1 , 4 - dimet hoxybenzene to 2 , 5 - dimet ho xyacetop henone catalysed by solid acids - mechanism , kinetics and remedies for deactivatio n [J ] . Jo urnal of molecular catalysis A : chemical ,2007 ,264 (1 - 2) :179 - 191.Yadav...
The first step of electrophilic aromatic substitution is attack of the electrophile (E+) by a pi bond of the aromatic ring.[Note: the identity of the electrophile E is specific to each reaction, and generation of the active electrophile is a mechanistic step in itself. We’ll cover the spe...
In a first step initial opening of the lactone gives the benzylic carbocation 5 (step A); decarboxylation of 5 gives the carbocation 6 (step B) which undergoes intramolecular Friedel and Craft reaction leading to 1. Based on our expertise in the field of that type of rearrangement (11), we...