与Mechanism and Machine Theory互引较多的期刊包括:Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of the ASME,Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing和Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science。三者均为工程技术类国人友好刊物,尤其是Mechanical System...
《Mechanism and Machine Theory》被3个数据库收录,分别是Science Citation Index Expanded 、Current Contents Engineering, Computing & Technology、Essential Science Indicators。 06 总结 《Mechanism and Machine Theory》中科院1区TOP, JCR 1区,分区等级稳中有进,期刊影响因子稳定,发文量稳定,自引率略高,审稿速度...
Mechanism And Machine Theory期刊简介 Mechanism and Machine Theory provides a medium of communication between engineers and scientists engaged in research and development within the fields of knowledge embraced by IFToMM, the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science, theref...
大类:Engineering 小类:Computer Science Applications Q1 102 / 817 87% 大类:Engineering 小类:Bioengineering Q1 29 / 162 82% 名词解释: CiteScore:由Elsevier集团开发,类似影响因子用来评估杂志期刊学术影响力的一个指标。CiteScore采用了四年区间来计算每个期刊的学术引用。CiteScore拥有自带数据库Scopus,...
https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/mechanism-and-machine-theory 影响因子: 4.500 出版商: Elsevier ISSN: 0094-114X 浏览: 10153 关注: 0 征稿 Mechanism and Machine Theory provides a medium of communication between engineers and scientists engaged in research and development within the fields of kno...
期刊出版社/管理机构 杂志由 Elsevier Science 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0094-114X 期刊主页 mechanism and machine theory主页 期刊评价 您选择的mechanism and machine theory的指数解析如下: 简介:MECH MACH THEORY 杂志属于工程技术行业,“工程:机械”子行业的中等级别杂志。投稿难度评价:影响因子偏低,但是接稿量不是...
MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORYMECH MACH THEORY我要投此期刊 出版周期: Monthly 出版ISSN: 0094-114X 通讯方式: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD, ENGLAND, OX5 1GB 期刊主页网址: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/0094114X 在线投稿网址: http://...
This is the first part of a series of books whose aim is to collect contributed papers describing the work of famous persons in MMS (Mechanism and Machine Science). The current work treats mainly technical developments in the historical evolution of the fields that today are grouped in MMS. ...
This bookseries establishes a well defined forum for Monographs and Proceedings on the History of Mechanism and Machine Science (MMS). The series publishes works that give an overview of the historical developments, from the earliest times up to and including the recent past, of MMS in all its...
机构International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM) 会议日期July 30 - August 1, 2022 会议地点Yantai, China 出版年2023 馆藏号347761 题名作者出版年 Design and Performance Analysis of a Metamorphic Mechanism with Constrained JointQiang Yang; Xin Zhao; Ruonan Wang;...