Maillard reaction is a non-enzymatic thermal reaction during food processing and storage. It massively contributes to the flavor, color, health benefits and safety of foods and could be briefly segmented into initial, intermediate and final stages with the development of a cascade of chemical ...
Maillard reactions between reducing sugars and amino acids, peptides, or proteins are a significant consideration in thermal food processing, storage, and cooking. This chemical reaction occurs in the body as well as in food because substrates of this reaction include amino compounds such as amino ...
Possible mechanisms of antimutagenic effect of Maillard reaction products prepared from xylose and lysine Maillard Reactions in Chemistry Food & HealthYen GC, Hsieh PP (1994) Possible mechanism of antimutagenic effect of Maillard reaction products prepared from ... GC Yen,PH Ping - 《Maillard ...
There are also other examples that processed with talci pulvis. For example, the effect on invigorating spleen and relieving diarrhea of Puerariae Lobatae Radix (Gegen) is strengthened after processing with talci pulvis. The phenomenon is mainly resulted from the increased content of total ...
However, addition of C-2 compounds greatly catalyzes vesperlysine A formation from ribose. Thus, vesperlysine A/LM-1 is a novel product of the advanced Maillard reaction in vivo and a specific marker of a diabetic process in the lens that is different from glyco- and lipoxidation....
Nucleic acid-based systems play important roles in antiviral defense, including CRISPR/Cas that adopts RNA-guided DNA cleavage to prevent DNA phage infection and RNA interference (RNAi) that employs RNA-guided RNA cleavage to defend against RNA virus infection. Here, we report a novel type of ...
Second, the Maillard reaction might occur between sericins and carbohydrates in the silk [51]. The exceptionally dark color of some samples might be related to the incomplete sequestration of carbohydrates during the extraction process. In addition, liquid sericin samples were more prone to ...
Table 3.Examples of regulatory technical strategies for mitigating protein oxidation in meat products. Carotenoids, one of the most widespread pigments in nature, are potent antioxidants in addition to plant polyphenols. The singlet oxygen in the excited state transfers energy to the carotenoid, leading...
Jean MaillardCatherine FavreauMichèle Reboud-RavauxElsevier B.V.Biochim Biophys ActaMor, A, Mailard, J, Favreau, C, Reboud-Ravaux, M (1990) Reaction of thrombin and proteinases of the fibrinolytic system with a mechanism-based inhibitor, 3,4-dihydro3-benzyl-6-chloromethylcoumarin. Biochim. ...
The results showed that the Maillard reaction of tryptophan and xylose produced indole-3-formaldehyde, which further reacted to generate indole-3-methanol. Indole-3-methanol was unstable and eventually formed DIM. The molecular structure of DIM was determined and then the best configuration was ...