The creation of mechanics of structured particles (SP) consisting from potentially interacting material points (MP) governed by the Newton's laws and the method of its creation are considered. The differences between the properties of the dynamics of MP and properties of the dynamics of SP are ...
Systems composed of many interacting particles (albeit much larger than molecular dimensions) are often useful models of random heterogeneous materials, and thus one can exploit the powerful machinery of statistical mechanics to study such materials. Moreover, as we will see in subsequent chapters, ...
The textbook covers Newtonian mechanics in rotating coordinate systems, mechanics of systems of point particles, vibrating systems and mechanics of rigid bodies. It thoroughly introduces and explains the Lagrange and Hamilton equations and the Hamilton-Jacobi theory. A large section on nonlinear dynamics...
In this connection we recall that in classical mechanics the energy of a body is defined only to within an arbitrary constant, and can be either positive or negative. The energy of a body at rest contains, in addition to the rest energies of its constituent particles, the kinetic energy of...
While quantum effects direct the mechanics of atoms and electrons, it is important to remember that the number of particles in a given volume increases with thecubeof its radius, so going from 0.5nm (a small molecule) to 5nm (a typical protein) brings into play a thousand times more atoms...
Unit 4: Systems of Particles and Linear Momentum粒子系统和线性动量 You’ll be introduced to the concepts of center of mass, impulse and momentum, and the conservation of linear momentum. 我们将介绍质心,冲量和动量,以及线性动量守恒的概念
Computational Particle Mechanics focuses on the modeling and simulation of systems involving particle mechanics and methods. Covers a wide range of topics from particles as a physical unit in various media to their role in numerical methods.
The behavior of systems involving the motion of aggregates of small particles relative to fluids in which they are immersed covers a wide range of phenomena of interest to both scientists and engineers. Broadly speaking we may assign these processes to several classes. Particles may move together ...