Mechanics Of Breathing Inspiratory Muscles 1. Diaphragm [major muscle contributes 75%] 2. External Intercostals contribute 25% Diaphragm When Diaphragm contracts [on stimulation of phrenic nerve C3, C4, C5], it descends down and increases vertical diameter of the chest . During quiet breathing, Di...
Distribution of Cp leads to value of cl Easy to get pressure data in wind tunnel Shows effect of M∞ on cl EXAMPLE: CP CALCULATION See §4.10 COMPRESSIBILITY CORRECTION: EFFECT OF M∞ ON CP Cp at a point on an airfoil of fixed shape and fixed angle of attack For M∞ < 0.3, r ~ ...
SitesofMeasurement Directlyatproximalairway Attheinspiratoryvalve Attheexpiratoryvalve Toapproximateairwaypressureduringinspiration Atypicalairwaypressurewaveform Volumeventilation Initialrise Linearincrease PIP PPlat End-exp.Pause (Auto-PEEP) PeakAlveolarPressure(Pplat) ...