At maximum activity, a single cross- bridge would, thus, dissipate 0.6% of the mechanical work available per ATP split per impact, and up to 16% energy in common, submaximal, activities. We also found the cross-bridge stiffness as low as 2.2 pN nm−1 , which can be explained by ...
The parameters can be calculated with a fretting loop as shown in Figure 6. Wear (m3/Nm) Wear (m3/Nm) Full stick Partial slip Gross slip Reciprocal sliding Full stick Partial slip Gross slip Reciprocal sliding Displacement amplitude Displacem(eµnmt a)mplitude (µm) FFiigguurree 55.....
Intuitively, elongating the alcohol groups, such as MPA in respect to and MEA, can improve CO2 binding affinity. Li and Tsai performed molecular dynamics simulations and stated that an appropriate length of the alkyl chain between the amino and hydroxyl groups can minimize the electronic ...