The freeze-drying combining solid sintering is a good method to fabricate porous SiC ceramics with good high temperature mechanical properties. Though SiC ceramics are sintered at a high temperature of 2150°C, there are still large quantity of macropores generated by sublimating large ice crystals...
Structure, phase composition and mechanical properties of hard alloy treated by intense pulsed electron beams WC–TiC–Co hard alloy as a material for intense pulsed electron beam action. Formation of tungsten-supersaturated solid solution (Ti,W)C and W2C. Modifi... VV Uglov,AK Kuleshov,EA Sold...
However, the knowledge gap between molecular-level chemistry and material properties persists. Here, the authors present a framework combining theoretical and experimental insights, highlighting the interplay of molecular parameters in governing material properties. Seola Lee , Pierre J. Walker & Julia R...
The dielectric properties and EMI shielding performance of the solid and foamed TPU/nanographite composites were also evaluated and analyzed. 2. Experimental section 2.1. Materials The thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU, Elastollan 1180A) was provided by BASF Co. Ltd, German. It is a polyether-based...
For the purpose of general understanding of mechanical wood properties, microscale deformation mechanisms of native balsa wood have been studied by in-situ microscopy under different loading conditions and related to the mechanical properties of the solid wood cell wall [13]. DIC was also used on ...
The 1983 Institute of Metals Lecture The Metallurgical Society of AIME The Mechanical Properties of Cellular Solids M.F. ASHBY R. E Mehl Medalist The mechanical properties (elastic, plastic, creep, and fracture) of cellular solids or foams are related to the properties of the cell wall material...
Influence of Carbon Solid Solution on Mechanical Properties and Microstructures on (MnFeCoNi)89Cu11 High Entropy Alloys Permanent mold casting specimens of (MnFeCoNi)89Cu11 alloy with 0 to 5.5 at% (1.19 mass%) carbon as a fcc-based high entropy alloy were prepared, and influ... T Maruyama...
effect of ageing treatment on the microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of extruded mg-8:时效处理对挤压镁组织、织构和力学性能的影响8.2gd-3.8y-1zn-0.4zr (wt ) alloy 热度: 1 MechanicalPropertiesofSolidPolymers Thepropertiesofpolymersarerequiredfirstlytoselectamaterialwhichenablesdesired ...
A new method of metal ware production in conditions of the combination of continuous casting and metal simultaneous deformation in solid-liquid state is considered in this paper. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the obtained metal products from alloy D19 are investigated. This method of...
Thermodynamic and magnetic properties of metastable FexCu100-x solid solutions formed by mechanical alloying. Presents an examination of the thermodynamic and magnetic properties of metastable Fe[subx]Cu[sub100-x] solid solutions formed by mechanical alloying. Expe... E.,Atzmon,M.,... - 《...