Nylon 6-clay hybrid using montmorillonite was superior to the other hybrids in mechanical properties. This might result from the difference in the interaction between nylon molecules and silicates in the hybrids. To clarify this hypothesis, we synthesized intercalated compounds of the clay minerals ...
In this study, the physico-mechanical, thermal, and morphological properties of styrene-co-3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate (ST-co-SPMA) with clay impregnated wood polymer nanocomposites (WPNCs) were investigated. The WPNCs were characterized by Fo
propertieswhencomparedwithpurepolymerorconventional(micro)compositesasdemonstratedbyKojima andcoworkersfornylon一6(PA6)/clayhybridst.Previousstudiesonthelayeredinorganicmaterialshavemainly beenfocusedonthelayeredsilicatenanocomposites.becauseoftherelatively1owlayerchargedensityandthe easyintercalation/exfoliationofmontmorillon...
This paper presents a critical review of the current work of experiment, theory of micro-nanomechanics, and numerical analysis on characterizing mechanical properties of nanocomposites. First, the classifications of nanomaterials are presented. Then nano
properties. But there is limited experimental work performed on CR concrete combined with numerous concentrations of PVA fiber to determine the mechanical characteristics and embodied carbon of CR concrete. Therefore, the purpose of this research is conducted on the mechanical characteristics and ...
Properties, compatibility, environmental benefits and future directions of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) concrete: A review Salim Barbhuiya, ... Bibhuti Bhusan Das, in Journal of Building Engineering, 2023 8.4.2 Mechanical properties • LC3: LC3 aims to maintain robust mechanical properties,...
The mechanical properties of spider silk are shown in Table 1. The elongation of spider silk is slightly higher than those of silk and nylon, and the elongation at break can even reach two to four times its length (24), which is much higher than those of steel and Kevlar, so spider ...
In the last two decades, polymer–clay nanocomposites have attracted steadily growing interest from both industry and academia [1], [2], [3] since Toyota researcher successfully developed nylon6/clay nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical and/or physical properties at very low clay loading (usually...
Table 1summarizes the key physical properties of the raw materials. The cement is ordinary Portland cement with a strength grade of 52.5 and an apparent density of 3120 kg/m3as per the Chinese standard [21]. The river sand (RS) is medium sand in zone II as per the Chinese standard [22...
indicating that even the smooth steel pipe can work closely with the cement-soil at a low bonding coefficient. Further optimization of the steel-pipe–cement-soil interface structure can be an essential means to improve the mechanical properties of the pile. When the upper load is transferred dow...