Mechanical properties of B4C ceramics hot-pressed with no additive and CrB2 particles distributed in the B4C matrix were measured. The flexural strength of 675 MPa and the fracture toughness of 2.5 MPaxm1\\2 for the B4C ceramics sintered at 1900掳C with no additive were obtained. This high...
Mechanical propertyWe fabricated boron carbide-silicon carbide (B4C–SiC) composites by hot-press sintering without additives and evaluated the crystal phase, relative density, microstructure, and mechanical properties of the sintered body. When B4C and SiC were uniformly dispersed in the composite, ...
C.W. OngQuan LiElsevier B.V.Thin Solid FilmsZhou MJ,Wong S F,Ong C W,et al.Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of B4C Films Deposited by Ion Beam Sputtering.Thin SolidFilms. 2007M.J. Zhou, S.F. Wong, C.W. Ong, Q. Li, Microstructure and me- chanical properties of B4C ...
The effects of boron carbide (B4C) concentrations on the physical properties and interfacial adhesion of hybrid composites were systematically investigated. B4C/polyimide (PI) resin blends were composed of PI resin and B4C particles at weight ratios of 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, and 50:...
To investigate the mechanical properties and the microstructure of the composite material in emerging industrial applications with increasing demands for lightweight materials. Aluminium boron carbide composites must be manufactured. In this case, the Al 6061 alloy and liquid metallurgy methods were used ...
To improve the mechanical properties and tribological characteristics of boron carbide (SiC) ceramic, silicon carbide as incorporation phase was added into boron carbide (B4C) matrix. The results showed that the incorporation of SiC phase led to denser microstructure and lower porosity. When the cont...
In this work, significant attention has been given to improve the mechanical and corrosion behaviour of aluminium hybrid metal matrix composites (AHMMCs) of Al7075 with boron carbide (B4C) and boron nitride (BN) as reinforcement particles. The AHMMCs with various weight % (3%, 6%, and 9% ...
Also, it was found that by increasing the vol% of nano/microSiC additive, not only the produced composites become fine-grained, but also their fracture mode changes mostly from intergranular to transgranular. Introduction Boron carbide (B4C) belongs to a group of hard non-metallic materials and...
Nowadays, boron carbide (B4C), a ceramic material, has created attention among the research groups owing to its excellent mechanical, tribological, and structural properties. Moreover, the properties such as hardness and density make it more suitable for some rugged applications like abrasives, ...
It was found that boron carbide can be sintered pressureless to ultrafine-grained bodies with densities of more than 95% of the theoretical density of B4C, if small additions of carbon are made to boron carbide powders of submicron particle size and if the compacts are heated in inert atmosphe...