engineers‚ this being a stable career with a bright future‚ and income being above average‚ this has been a popular career choice for a long time. In fact‚mechanicalengineeringis one of the oldestengineeringdisciplines in existence‚ as well as one of the most respected.Mechanical...
Research paper: The three-dimensional mechanical response of orthodontic archwires and brackets in vitro during simulated orthodontic torque Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.David S.NobesDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,... B...
Discover a wide range of FreeMechanical Engineering Project topicsfor your final year research paper. Choose from our extensivelist of Mechanical Engineering project topicsand download the materials instantly. We offer prompt delivery of reliable and comprehensiveMechanical Engineering research materialslisted...
This is the first of a two part paper summarizing and reviewing research in mechanical engineering design theory and methodology. Part I includes: 1) descriptive models; 2) prescrptive models; and 3) computer-based models of design processes. Part II, which will appear in the next issue of...
Research in Engineering Design 1:121–137Finger, S., Dixon, J.R. (1989) A review of research in mechanical engineering design. Part II: representation, analysis and design for the life cycle. Research in Engineering Design 1: pp. 121-137...
Top Research Topics at Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering? The foci of the journal are Control theory, Structural engineering, Mechanical engineering, Mechanics and Composite material. The Control theory study featured in the journal draws parallels with the field of Control engineering. The Struc...
Topics of interest include Dynamics, Vibration and Sound Engineering, Materials and Technology, Fluids Engineering, Solid Mechanics and Design, Micro/Nano Engineering and Technology, Production Engineering, Robotics and Control, Thermal and Power Engineering and Bio Engineering. Editor-in-Chief Gil Ho Yoo...
i have a paper in the mechanical engineering field, and I would publish in our journal. How ican publish in your jornal. Reply MMelanie Ortiz 5 years ago Dear Ali,thank you for contacting us.We are sorry to tell you that SCImago Journal & Country Rank is not a journal. SJR is a ...
The design of multi-fingered robot hands have been one of the major research topics since grasping an object and are crucial functionalities of several robotic systems, including industrial robots, mobile robots and service robots. The author considers the problem of model- based control for a mult...
20 Feb 2025 Nadar Saraswathi College of Engineering and Technology Theni The Technical sessions of the conference will consist of invited talks and original contributory papers reporting theoretical and experimental research, development, design, testing and measurement work. The topics include but not li...