Adaptive Development Corp is a machining and fabrication operation specializing in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and material handling products specific to cutaways, contract manufacturing, industrial automation equipment, industrial wa
Mechanical sealing products: Duriron Co. Inc. Dayton, Ohiodoi:10.1016/S0026-0576(97)94311-7NoneELSEVIERMetal Finishing
In this work, we explore the effect of Re additions (10 at.% in both cases) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of NbTiZr and TaTiZr. 2. Materials and Methods Four alloys, NbTiZr, TaTiZr, Re0.3NbTiZr, and Re0.3TaTiZr, were produced from high-purity metals (purity of 99.9...