mechanic's lienphr. 修理工留置权,技工留置权 artisan's lienphr. 工匠的留置权 landlord's lienphr. 出租人留置权 factor's lien代理商留置权 系指代理商(*factor)在委托人(*principal)尚未支付给代理人应得的佣金(*factorage)之前,得以留置属于委托人之货物的权利。
This is to certify that proceedings have been taken in Court to enforce a certain Mechanics' Lien filed by... against (describe lands here) which lien was filed on the... day of... .19... , as No... Clerk of ...
Artisan's Lien中的“标的”是动产,通过possessory即可要求对方付费。用白话讲,你不给钱,我不给货。...
Artisan's Lien中的“标的”是动产,通过possessory即可要求对方付费。用白话讲,你不给钱,我不给货。
五、美国The Mechanic's Lien的混合立法模式及对我国的启示 为了平衡围绕建设工程产生的诸多法律关系,促进房屋建设,保障住宅市场稳定,激发投资热情,美国多数州在完善其技工留置权的时候适当地综合了The Derivative System(衍生型)与The Direct System(直接型)的各自优点,尽力实现发包人、承包人、分包人、建筑工人、设计...
We at MetroLiens are New York’s Lien Experts and we’re here to help! We offer extensive Lien Filing Services for Mechanic’s Liens.
A definition of the term "mechanic's lien" is presented which refers to a lien provided by law on a building or other improvement on land, and on the land itself, as security for payment for labor rendered and/or materials furnished for beautification....
mechanic's lien 名词 ˈcar me·chan·ic 名词 me·chan·ic[mɪˈkænɪk]名词 mechanic Mechaniker(in)m(f)<-s, -> 单数在互联网中有10个示例复数在互联网中有10个示例 ˈflight me·chan·ic名词 flightmechanic Bordmechaniker(in)m(f)<-s, -; -, -nen> ...
mechanic's lien 词条 mechanic's lien 基本释义 建筑物上优先权;修理工留置权 专业释义 <法律>机械师的留置权 <经贸>技工留置权 词条提问 欢迎你对此术语进行提问>>
A mechanic’s lien is a guarantee of payment to unpaid parties who have a security interest in a property. Thelienensures that the workmen are paid before anyone else in the event of aliquidation. The mechanic’s lien is based on labor or materials used to improve, maintain, or repair pr...