商标名称 MECH-EYE VIEWER 国际分类 第29类-食品 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 61471966 申请日期 2021-12-16 申请人名称(中文) 梅卡曼德(北京)机器人科技有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 北京市海淀区创业路8号3号楼1层3-1号1001 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 ...
商标名称MECH-EYE VIEWER 国际分类15-乐器 申请/注册号61485153 商标状态商标已注册 申请日期2021-12-17 初审公告期号1782 初审公告日期2022-03-06 注册公告期号1794 注册公告日期2022-06-07 专用权期限2022-06-07-2032-06-06 申请人信息 申请人名称(中文)梅卡曼德(北京)机器人科技有限公司 申请地址(中文)北京市...
即插即用,安裝便捷 梅卡曼德工業級3D相機即插即用,安裝便捷,同時支援多種安裝方式並配套Mech-Eye Viewer軟體,可迅速實現成像設置。 多場景,多型號的相機選擇 多種相機型號,可滿足不同場景中抗環境光、高精度、高速度、小體積等多樣化的需求。 相機介紹 型錄下載...
Mech-Eye SDK 2.0.0 or above has been installed on IPC. Camera firmware version is consistent with Mech-Eye SDK version. If not, use Mech-Eye Viewer to upgrade the camera firmware. The IP addresses of the camera and IPC are in the same subnet. Use Mech-Eye Viewer to set the camera ...
Sets the values of the parameters in theProjectorcategory to the camera. This VI sample can only be used with DLP cameras. Not all DLP cameras have all the parameters included in this VI sample. You can connect to the camera in Mech-Eye Viewer and check what parameters are available for ...
梅卡曼德在今年现场展示的这款Mech-eye 工业级3D相机,具备即插即用,安装便捷的特点,同时支持多种安装方式(Eye to Hand, Eye in Hand) 并配套 Mech-Eye Viewer 软件,可迅速实现成像配置。通过 10000 小时实验室测试,操作运行稳定可靠。 Mech-eye 工业级3D相机 ...
myDrive - Fully featured online storage solution, upload/download files, photo/video viewer, and more, all through the web client. (Demo) GPL-3.0 Nodejs Nextcloud - Access and share your files, calendars, contacts, mail and more from any device, on your terms. (Demo, Source Code) AGPL-...
Mech-Eye SDK 2.0.0 or above has been installed on IPC. Camera firmware version is consistent with Mech-Eye SDK version. If not, use Mech-Eye Viewer to upgrade the camera firmware. The IP addresses of the camera and IPC are in the same subnet. Use Mech-Eye Viewer to set the camera ...