Phenotypes, Performance, and Insulin Gene (INS) Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) C1549T Genotyping of Indonesian Meat-Type Chicken BreedArini, D. N.Pratama, M. D.Firmansyah, G. I.Mahardhika, I. W. S.Perdamaian, A. B. I.Daryono, B. S....
Meat and meat products - Breeding and transport of meat-type pigs intended for slaughter. 肉和肉制品.屠宰用肉型猪的繁殖和运输 4. Peking duck is the most excellent meat-type breed and plays the important role in meat-type duck breeding. 北京鸭是我国十分优秀的肉鸭品种,在世界...
In Anka chicken breed color density was positive correlated with pH, tenderness andwater holding capacity, and similarly pH was positively related with tenderness. While in Rugao all meatquality traits shows negative correlation with each others, specially tenderness was observed positivecorrelation with ...
INTRODUCTION Breast meat is the most economically valuable part of the chicken and makes up about 50 % of total muscle weight (Stevens, 1991). Improvement in breast meat yield, defined as breast meat weight relative to body weight, would result in more efficient allocation of resources consumed...
This breed is very popular for meat production. Cornish is used for producing broiler strain. Their body is very fleshy and strong. An adult rooster weights about 5 kg and hen about 4 kg. 3. Dorking Head crest of Dorking chicken is single. Lobe is of red color. They have five finger ...
Chicken StrainSample TypeTexture Measurement MethodTextureSource Commercial broiler Whole muscle Warner–Bratzler shear (N) Prerigor: 75.27 N Yu et al. (2005) Postrigor: 37.50 N New Hampshire dual-purpose breed Whole muscle Warner–Bratzler shear (N) New Hampshire breed: 23.82 N Karlsson et al....
The extent to which fiber number can be modified to increase breast muscle mass in the chicken has still to be investigated. Our original results also indicated that (at least in this meat-type strain) selection for increased growth and breast muscle mass can be expected to reduce glycogen ...
In this study, growth hormone gene polymorphism has been investigated in meat type chicken by PCR-RFLP. Three different profiles (AA, CC and AC genotypes) created by a combination of polymorphic MspI cut sites due to A+119G in intron-1 were identified. The genotype amplicons (AA, CC) were...
In addition, many studies have aimed to improve the main egg-type breed of ducks (Longyan laying ducks), important for several reasons, viz.: medium size (1.2– 1.3 kg), early maturation (110 d), high egg yield (more than 280 eggs/yr), huge populations (more than 300 million birds)...
The United States Meat Substitutes Market is segmented by Type (Tempeh, Textured Vegetable Protein, Tofu) and by Distribution Channel (Off-Trade, On-Trade). Market value in USD and market volume in tonnes are presented. Key data points observed include production and price. ...