Chicken meat is considered as an easily available source of high-quality protein and other nutrients that are necessary for proper body functioning. In order to meet the consumers’ growing demands for high-quality protein, the poultry industry focused o
The main effects of the incorporation of plant by-products on the nutritional quality of meat products can be found in Table 2. In a study, pork fat was replaced with peach palm flour at the levels of 0, 3, 6 and 9% to produce lamb burgers. As a result of this peach palm flour ...
The aim of this study was to determine how maternal undernutrition during pregnancy and offspring birth-weight can affect the postnatal development of offspring under farm conditions, which may lead to consequences in its meat and carcass quality. The current study involved a total of 80 litters fr...
Poultry meat, an essential source of animal protein, requires stringent safety and quality measures to address public health concerns and growing international attention. This review examines both direct and indirect factors that compromise poultry meat quality in intensive farming systems. It highlights ...
Smith and Grandin (1998) believe proper handling of meat animals can improve productivity, quality and profitability; so, it is just good business to do it right. Appropriate handling weakens arguments by animal rightists/welfarists that those in the production and packing sectors do not have a ...
It is therefore necessary to assess the extent to which consumers are sensitive to the prices of plant protein and how a shift from animal-based protein to plant-based protein affects diet quality and vice versa. Specifically, the main objectives of this study are (1) to explain consumer ...
More recently, factory farming hassparked discussions around the ethics and sustainabilityof meat production as well as its ecological impact. Mass meat production destroysnatural habitats and biodiversity, it is exploitative andobjectifyingto both animals andworkersand affects thequality of rural...
(4) USDA authority to inspect and monitor slaughter and processing operations. The quality and safety of meat produced in the United States was significantly improved following the implementation of these federal regulations and inspection programs. Within the first year of the law being passed the ...
My researchfocuses on ways in which animal agriculture affects air quality and climate change. In my view, there are many reasons for either choosing animal protein or opting for a vegetarian selection. However, foregoing meat and meat products is not the environmental panacea many wo...
My researchfocuses on ways in which animal agriculture affects air quality andclimate change. In my view, there are many reasons for either choosing animal protein or opting for a vegetarian selection. However, foregoing meat and meat products is not the environmental panacea many would have us ...