3) Please double check the address before paying. If you want to change the address, please contact us within 24 hours after payment. If the package has been sent out, it can not be changed any more. 4) TRANSIT TIME is provided by the carrier, the local post office and other factors...
If the package has been sent out, it can not be changed any more. 4) TRANSIT TIME is provided by the carrier, the local post office and other factors, particularly the holiday and heavy transport season, please be patient. 5) If the purchase protection time is near to end, you did ...
For the last few weeks I’ve been a crepinette hound. It’s a tremendous package of meat, herbies, spices all mixed with greens and/or fancy nuts with possible onions or olives. Wrap it up in caul fat and you’re good to go. The other night we did Lamb Crepinettes on toasted bre...