Furthermore, we define child overweight in terms of body-mass index for age and sex to align with the definition of overweight and obesity for adults, rather than in terms of weight for height. We also include all women of reproductive age in measurement of the met need for family planning...
The establishment of the Elsevier journal Ecosystem Services in 2012 made the analytical exchange more systematic and rigorous, allowing a critical mass to develop. The journal took policy and management to center-stage (Braat and de Groot, 2012), and governance was addressed in our article in ...
We explore the ability of the Large Hadron Collider to measure the mass of the W boson. We believe that a precision better than ~ 15 MeV could be attained, based on a year of operation at low luminosity (10^(33)cm^(-2)s^(-1)). If this is true, this measurement will be the ...
Hayes, B. (2017). Migration and data protection: Doing no harm in an age of mass displacement, mass surveillance and “big data”.International Review of the Red Cross,99(904), 1Ý79–209. Hilbert, M. (2016). Big data for development: A review of promises and challenges.Development ...
in line with recent research and the latest IUCN assessment91,92. For mammals, we used the PanTHERIA database93to obtain data on adult body mass for each species; where species-level information was not available, we used the median adult body mass from the database for the lowest taxonomic...
A page of word problems for measuring weight in grams and kilograms. 4th through 6th Grades Weight Balance Scales Calculate the correct mass amounts to make the scales balance. 2nd through 4th Grades Also on Super Teacher Worksheets...
For more than a century, organizations have relied on productivity metrics like these since they emerged during the Industrial Revolution as leading practices to improve and measure organizational productivity. It was a good system for the working culture of the era, when mass production and automatio...
Today, the majority of global measles morbidity and mortality occurs in Africa and India2,3 with recent resurgences in parts of the Middle East and areas affected by conflict due to mass displacement or the disruption of routine immunization services11. Measles and many other communicable and vacc...
and environmental costs. For example, Brancoli et al. [192] use scanner data to analyze the impacts of food waste at a supermarket in Sweden. They discover the importance of not only measuring food waste in terms of mass but also in terms of environmental impacts and economic costs. They ...
study is to compare the measured and calculated ratios of neutrons originating from 242Cm and 244Cm in commercial BWRs in order to evaluate the prediction error for a weakening start-up range neutron monitor (SRNM) signal due to the decay of in-core neutron sources over a ten year period....