Measuring Current with the Analog Discovery 2 TheAnalog Discovery 2contains a USB Oscilloscope tool that allows you to measure voltage as it varies over time. This can be incredibly useful when you need to see if the signals you intend to create from within your project or circuit are the si...
An AC current from an AC power source 8 is made to flow in the coil 3 and the pulse trains in positive and negative directions are generated in the other coil 4. The generating spacing of the pulse trains is measured by an oscilloscope 9 as pulse spacing measuring means and the current...
Measuring Current with the Analog Discovery 2 The Analog Discovery 2 is an all-in-one pocket instrument for electronics containing a 2-channel oscilloscope, power supplies, waveform generators, logic analyzers, and more to measure and generate analog
Current discussions Assuring stability with Voltage Mode TOPswitch Flybacks? How can I come up with a equivalent resistance? Silvaco: a-ITZO structure issue Active inductor Confusion About an Oscillator for MCU Current Discussions ...
electrodynamometer- measuring instrument that uses the interaction of the magnetic fields of two coils to measure current or voltage or power electroscope- measuring instrument that detects electric charge; two gold leaves diverge owing to repulsion of charges with like sign ...
DPO4104 oscilloscope A 1 kΩ precision resistor Two Tektronix TPP1000 voltage probes A 10 uF ceramic capacitor An unknown capacito Procedure Set up the test circuit as shown in Figure 2. Note that RESR and C are both associated with the ceramic capacitor under test,and that Rfg is the 50...
Measuring the ripple with an oscilloscope An oscilloscope performs ripple measurements (see Figure 1). At high levels, this choice is not the best. The cables that lead to the oscilloscope tips form a loop. The probe and ground conductors create a parasitic inductance that negatively affects the...
PURPOSE:To exactly measure the delay time of a cable from a period of a pulse signal, by adjusting its period so that the pulse signal and a rise of its reflected wave coincide with each other. CONSTITUTION:A delay element 3 is inserted between an oscilloscope 1 and an A channel probe ...
An DC (direct current) input of the bias tee is connected to a DC voltage source, a bias output of the bias tee is connected to the drain of an FET, and an AC output of the bias tee is connected to an input of a measuring apparatus, such as an oscilloscope. When the short-...