Background: A disproportionate number of Black adults do not receive hypertension (HTN) treatment. Identifying the social determinants of health (SDoH) and biologic measures related to HTN treatment among Black adults may inform clinical strategies that promote HTN control. Objective: To identify SDoH...
•HTN •Kidney Disease •OA •RA •Ulcer •Vision Impairment How many translations is the SF-36/SF-12 available in? >170 One measure to address all conditions and co-morbiidities? FM-36/FM-12? What test is for the following populations: ...
and colleagues examined the effect of a second BP measurement on the rate of BP control among patients with diagnosed HTN. An advisory alert was introduced into the electronic health record to remind staff to remeasure BP when the initial reading was elevated (≥140/90 mm Hg). A total of...
Evangelista included all of the environmental sustainability initiatives used by the case study organisations in his research, including everything from vehicle use, intramodality in transportation, and energy efficiency, to collaborative planning and environmental control [6]. A 3PL can be used to ...
Regardless of not being included in the proposed encompassing set of infrastructural strategies, it is important to highlight that 'source control' is one other commonly-used concept, which entails a particular infrastructural approach. As the name indicates, this infrastructural strategy aims to ...
The physical layer: At the physical level, the intelligent energy system represented by the Energy Internet mainly relies on control technology, cloud platform monitoring and maintenance technology and high-performance energy technology to achieve the purpose of optimized cooperative operation of various ...
As this pandemic illustrated, an overhaul to streamline health care is essential, and a move towards greater use of mobile health and telemedicine will greatly benefit public health to control the spread of new variants and future outbreaks. Keywords: workflow; protection; prevention; telemedicine; ...
These regulations are intended to promote the development of strategies for the reduction and control of emissions in urban areas, a scenario that has motivated the use of traditional and new techniques to model the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. Processes 2023, 11, 2039. https://...