Portfolio optimization methods typically rely upon a normality assumption, as well as on the mean return and covariance matrix of the assets. However, as noted by DeMiguel et al. (2009), the estimation error in the portfolio mean return creates instability in the portfolios, which can be ...
be 15 µm in the retina. Two scanning protocols were performed. Protocol 1 raster-scanned a 20° squared retinal area with 256 × 256 pixels in each direction at a 25 kHz A-line rate. Protocol 2 used dual circle scanning that scanned two concentric circles centered at the optic disk wi...
which is summarized in the form of a partial order graph (POG). The POG is an essential element in our approach that addresses the limitations of current deep-learning and satellite
(6) 在Element Properties对话框中勾选Display error bars,激活–Error Bars Represent– 模块,勾选Confidence intervals,Level (%):设定为95,当然也可以根据需要勾选Standard error或者Standard deviation,点击Apply: (7) 在'Edit Properties of: 模块中点击'Y-Axis1 (Line1)'进行设置,出现下图: (8) 去掉勾选S...
The approximation of probability measures on compact metric spaces and in particular on Riemannian manifolds by atomic or empirical ones is a classical tas
describe a natural coisometry from the Hilbert space of all Hilbert-Schmidt operators on a separable reproducing kernel Hilbert space [Math Processing Error] (RKHS)H and onto the RKHS [Math Processing Error]G associated with the squared-modulus of the reproducing kernel of [Math Processing Error]...
A key element is to understand the causal relation- ship between retinal cell degeneration and hemodynamic dysregula- tion. For example in DR, it is known that endothelial and pericyte disruption occurs in early-stage DR, but how the associated hemody- namic changes are unknown. Some studies ...
For articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without permission provided that the original article is clearly cited. For more information, please refer to https://www.mdpi.com/openaccess. ...
The results show that the majority of KPTs in clinical practice used OMs during interventions. The main reasons for using OMs were to check the patient’s condition and to determine the direction and effectiveness of treatment. In terms of the types of OMs used, the highest percentage of ...