SSAS Time intelligence DAX measures not working with PowerBI import mode 03-06-2024 02:28 AM Hi, I have a few SSAS Tabular models that I am trying to connect with my dashboards. The dashboards I am working use multiple SSAS Tabular models hence I am using import mode to...
by Ariel Netz, Group Program Manager in the Power BI Designer team Last summer, we started our planning for the Power BI Designer, a BI desktop client tool designed to complement the Power BI SaaS offering we were already working on. As with any new… » Read more 16 New Updates to...
You can create a special table that contains only measures. That table always appears at the top of theFields. To do so, create a table with just one column. You can useEnter datato create that table. Then move your measures to that table. Finally, hide the column, but not the table...
Hello, I have a spreadsheet, which includes measures, pivot tables and pivot charts. I would like to be able to save the spreadsheet without any source data...
Learn how you can create and use measures, including quick measures and DAX syntax in Power BI Desktop.
By using measures, you can create some of the most powerful data analysis solutions in Power BI Desktop. Measures help you by performing calculations on your data as you interact with your reports. This tutorial will guide you through understanding measures and creating your own basic measures in...
在Power BI中,"New Measure"(新的度量)的作用是创建新的计算字段,以便根据特定的需求添加定制度量。通过使用"New Measure",您可以根据不同的数据分析需求创建各种度量,以更好地理解和分析数据。 以下是"New Measure"的一些作用: 1.计算新的度量:通过定义新的计算字段,您可以在Power BI中计算新的度量,例如总销售...
Power BI Microsoft Power Platform In diesem Modul erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit impliziten und expliziten Measures arbeiten. Zunächst erstellen Sie einfache Measures, die eine einzelne Spalte oder Tabelle zusammenfassen. Anschließend erstellen Sie ausführlichere Measures basierend auf anderen Measu...
KB4094858 - FIX: “An unexpected error occurred” when you use DAX measures in Power BI table visualizations in SQL Server Applies To SQL Server 2016 Developer - duplicate (do not use)SQL Server 2016 Enterprise - duplicate ...
KB4094858 - FIX: “An unexpected error occurred” when you use DAX measures in Power BI table visualizations in SQL Server Applies To SQL Server 2016 Developer - duplicate (do not use)SQL Server 2016 Enterprise - duplicate ...