Use the solidus (/) instead of a horizontal line for small fractional terms such as X/Y. Present variables in italics. Denote powers of e by exp. Display equations separately from your text, numbering them consecutively in the order they are referred to within your text. Tables Tables must...
A silicon drift detector system installed in the transport section and a β-induced X-ray system at the rear section39 continuously monitor the tritium activity, yielding a result at the 0.03%-precision level each minute. The high voltage of the main spectrometer is continuously measured at the...
random single-qubit and two-qubit iSWAP-like gates are applied to each qubit in the cycle sequence shown. The random single-qubit gate (SQ, grey) is chosen randomly from the set\(\{\sqrt{{X}^{\pm 1}},\sqrt{{Y}^{\pm 1}},\sqrt{{W}^{\pm 1}},\sqrt{{V}^{\pm 1}}\}...
Life Function QuestionnaireX––Moderators BISS: Bipolar Inventory of Signs and Symptoms; BISS-SR: Bipolar Inventory of Signs and Symptoms – Self Rated; CGI-D: Clinical Global Impression – Depression; CGI-M: Clinical Global Impression – Mania; CGI-S: Clinical Global Impression – Severity; GAF...
For example, if you know that a user needs to generate X by day 3 for you to make a profit after Day 180, and that number comes in under your benchmark — you know that you will need to adjust bids, creatives, or segmentation, to improve the cost and quality of your acquired users...
This behaviour is expected since different Bjorken x regions are being probed. At larger x values, corresponding to higher values of |ηℓ|, W−+c production increases relative to W++c¯ because of the growing contribution initiated by the valence down quark. The differences between the ...
Typical procedures of sample preparation for X-band EPR measurements were as follows: a solution containing the Cyt c552 mutant (200 μM, 100 μL) and H2O2 (2 mM, 100 μL) was quickly mixed at a 1:1 ratio at room temperature by using a modified RSP-1000 stopped flow apparatus (Unisok...
Another direct way of measuring the H boson width would be to measure its lifetime by means of its decay length and use the relationshipΓH = ħ/(2πτH), but its lifetime is still too short (τH = 1.6 × 10−22 s) to be detectable directly. The present ...
The \(|X\rangle \) superposed input quantum system is fed into the QG quantum gate structure. The QG structure realizes the unitary \(U(\overrightarrow{\theta })\) and outputs \(|Y\rangle =U(\overrightarrow{\theta })\,|X\rangle \). The output is measured by a standard (...
which is then refilled after a short period of time by a nearby free electron. This filling process again liberates the binding energy in the form of acharacteristicX-ray photon, which then typically interacts with electrons from less tightly bound shells in nearby atoms, producing additional fas...