PowerShell 复制 Measure-Object [[-Property] <PSPropertyExpression[]>] [-InputObject <PSObject>] [-Line] [-Word] [-Character] [-IgnoreWhiteSpace] [<CommonParameters>]说明Measure-Object cmdlet 计算特定类型的对象的属性值。 Measure-Object 执行三种类型的度量,具体取决于命令中的参数。
从PowerShell 6 开始,Measure-Object的 AllStats参数允许你一起度量所有统计信息。 PowerShell 1..5|Measure-Object-AllStatsCount :5Average :3Sum :15Maximum :5Minimum :1StandardDeviation :1.58113883008419Property : 示例9:使用 scriptblock 属性进行度量 ...
Outputs Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GenericMeasureInfo, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.TextMeasureInfo, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GenericObjectMeasureInfo If you use the Word parameter, Measure-Object returns a TextMeasureInfo object. Otherwise, it returns a GenericMeasureInfo object. Examples Count the...
PowerShell 复制 Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server 在运行 Enter-PSSession 命令的计算机上,运行以下命令:PowerShell 复制 Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client -DelegateComputer Server_name 备注 Server_name是命令目标Enter-PSSession的计算机的名称。每次执行此命令时,指定的Server_name都会添加到列表中。 该列表...
Applies To: Windows PowerShell 2.0Calculates the numeric properties of objects, and the characters, words, and lines in string objects, such as files of text.SyntaxCopy Measure-Object [-Average] [-Maximum] [-Minimum] [-Sum] [[-Property] <string[]>] [-InputObject <psobject>] [<CommonPa...
Activity to invoke the Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Measure-Object command in a Workflow. C++复制 publicrefclassMeasureObjectsealed:Microsoft::PowerShell::Activities::PSActivity Constructors 展开表 MeasureObject() Gets the display name of the command invoked by this activity. ...
"Get-AzureVM" Powershell Command not recognized in application after deploying to IIS. "Get-EventLog : Requested registry access is not allowed." is returned after adding a where-object filter. "Get-EventLog: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation" - why?? "Get-WmiObject not supported...
PowerShell / PowerShell Public Notifications Fork 7.8k Star 42.7k Code Issues 787 Pull requests 121 Discussions Actions Projects 14 Security 3 Insights New issue Measure-Object ignores $null values in counting and count-based stats #10905 Closed mklement0 opened this issue Oct ...
Get-Process|Sort-Object–Property CPU –Descending |Select-Object–Property Name,CPU –First10 Take care when specifying property names. Sometimes, the default screen display that PowerShell creates doesn't use the real property names in the table column headers. For example, the outp...
Enter-PSSession:模块“Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility”中找到“Measure-Object”命令,但无法加载该模块。 有关详细信息,请运行“Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility”。 位置:line:1 char:1 + Enter-PSSession server_name + ~~~ + CategoryInfo: ObjectNotFound: ...