"I just wanted to let y’all know what a great experience I had with Junko. She was extremely helpful and it was a pleasure working with her." Mr. Eric H. "Hi Junko, Good call on the measurements, the minor adjustments you did is exactly what I had in mind. With your eye for a...
Gonzalez-Ruiz M.Torres-Gonzalez J.I.Gonzalez-Ordi H.Gomez-Higuera J.Hospital General Universitario 12 de Octubre.Coordinación de Trasplantes Hospital Universitario Clínico San CarlosFacultad de Enfermería Fisioterapia y Podología Universidad Complutenseindex de enfermeria...
Revista de la Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, 1(39), 79–97. Google Scholar Haque, A., & Pant, A. B. (2022). Mitigating Covid-19 in the face of emerging virus variants, breakthrough infections and vaccine hesitancy. Journal of Autoimmunity, ...
Another state observer can be found in [30] to use the overall response of the preceding vehicle(s) to generate preview controller information for follower vehicles. An H∞observer was adopted and found to be feasible for real-time implementation but required knowledge of many vehicle parameters ...
CarlosSune,LyndallBrennan,DavidR. Stover,and ThomasKlimkait.Ef-fect of P o l y m o r p h i s m son the ReplicationCapacityof ProteaseInhibitor-ResistantHIV-1V a r i a n t sunderDrugPressure.ClinicalMicrobiologyandInfection, 10(2):119–129,2004.MarkJ. v a n der Laan.StatisticalInfe...
Carlos H. OrcesUniversity of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, and South Texas Veterans Administration Health System, San Antonio, TexasInmaculada Del RincónThe University of Texas Health Science Center at San AntonioMichael P. Abel...
the evaluation lasted for 1 h. The smartphone used for testing is the same as above, having a battery capacity of 3600 mAh. In general, three different types of readings were made for comparison, all of them having the smartphone in the suspended mode. The situations under comparison were:...
Flow cytometry analysis of plasma EVs was performed as described by our group [29]. A volume of plasma containing 2 × 109particles was used for staining with 0.5 μL of anti-IgG (Abbexa abx142503, Houston, TX, USA) in PBS, in a final volume of 40 μL, and incubated for 1 h at...
1,*, Mercedes Díaz-Rodríguez 2, Bernardo Carlos Ferriz-Mas 3, Celia Pérez-Muñoz 2and Juan Luis González-Caballero 4 1 Department of Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Public Health, University of Cadiz, Avenida Ana de Viya 52, 11009 Cádiz, Spain ...