Answer to: The ABO blood type is determined by multiple alleles. This means each individual has more than 2 alleles at that one locus. (a) True (b)...
GFAP positive neural progenitors (NHA) derivatives differentiating to the neuronal lineage demonstrated silencing of glial and progenitor markers [GFAP, CD44, NESTIN] expression, while those differentiating to the glial lineage showed silencing of neuronal and progenitor markers [β-III-TUBULIN, MAP2, ...
The present invention relates to a method of preventing or treating a disease correlated with or caused by non-physiologically increased intracellular levels of the catalytic subuni
11,12. RNA-Seq has great sensitivity and a high base resolution capacity to discriminate between splicing variants, alleles and sense/antisense isoforms, allowing the identification
GFAP positive neural progenitors (NHA) derivatives differentiating to the neuronal lineage demonstrated silencing of glial and progenitor markers [GFAP, CD44, NESTIN] expression, while those differentiating to the glial lineage showed silencing of neuronal and progenitor markers [β-III-TUBULIN, MAP2, ...
nuclear microsatellites (simple sequence repeats, SSRs). The high number of scored alleles reflected the great level of diversification within the Apulian germplasm, as also confirmed by neighbor joining and structure analysis, that clearly distinguished different genotype clusters. The phenotypic ...
Remarkably, integratomics is fast becoming the latest trend in omics research while integrating a variety of omics data (such as genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic data), irrespective of the species [42]. Access to genome sequences of species like cattle unlocked the potential for integrating ...