解析 A; B。解析:在“I like to run in the park every morning”中,根据语境,这里的“run”是我们日常所说的跑步,也就是快速地移动脚步。在“The river runs through the mountains”中,结合河流和山脉的语境,这里的“run”表示河流流动,也就是流淌的意思。
And the word "run" would be the biggest book of all. When you think of "run," the first thing that might come to mind is a person moving very quickly with their legs. But "run" can act as both a verb and a n...
The verb do Study the different meanings of the word do in the following:1. perform or complete (an action or a job)I run a manufacturing company with about 350 employees, and I often do the interviewing and hiring myself. (Text A, Unit 3, Book IV)Leave it to Beaver, for example,...
Demons Lyrics & Meanings: When the days are cold / And the cards all fold / And the saints we see / Are all made of gold / / When your dreams all fail / And the ones we hail / Are the worst of all / And the blood's run stale / / I wanna hide the truth
You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to mutual exclusivity. Now you should have a good understanding of how to design and run an experiment investigating how children match words to objects, as well as how to analyze and assess the results. ...
we can't cross the road or run the red lights and we must wait for the green lights.可知交通灯是红色时我们不能过 马路。 故选C 3. B In the museum, we should watch out for the sign"No photos".可知在博物馆里禁止拍照 故选B 4.B 5.A Do you know the meanings of the signs in ...
The Various Quartz Formations There are a large number of different quartz formations, and these are covered below.The quartz formations are explained simply with an image of a real crystal to illustrate each of the configurations. Many of them may be known by more than one name as various au...
Write down the word for each of the following meanings.1.: a large se a fish with very sharp teeth and a pointed fin on its back.2.: a very large animal that lives in the se a and looks like a very large fish. There are several types, some of which are hunted.3.: a se a ...
heard the bell sound which attends class, thought not wonderfully, has been late, then shows the whites of the eyes saying: All is you harms.As soon as then has badly smiles: The dumb kid, walked first, later in slowly will do accounts with you.Rode the bicycle speedily to run. [...
Certain offices in the U.S. government have term limits when an incumbent must be up for re-election. Some of these have life term limits, meaning that once the full term limit has been met, an individual cannot run for that office again. ...