Stage 1: Capture health information electronically in a structured format; use that information to track key clinical conditions and coordinate care; Implement clinical decision support tools; use EHRs to engage patients and families and report clinical quality measures and public health information. Sta...
The article reports on the first electronic health record (EHR) products capable of supporting stage 1 meaningful use that was certified and tested by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology...
Meaningful Use Stage 2 focuses on surpassing the goals of the first stage by requiring covered entities who receive incentive money to certify they are using their electronic health records to improve patient care. While many objectives from Stage 1 will not change there are several areas that hav...
Reporting the Results of Safety-Enhanced Design Evaluations for Meaningful Use Stage 2 Certification: Are they Comparable? The Meaningful Use of EHRs is to take place over 3 Stages: Stage 1 has begun, Stage 2 is imminent, and Stage 3 is currently being discussed. ... J Horsky 被引量: 0...
摘要: Background: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) canceled Meaningful Use (MU), replacing it with Advancing Care Information, which preserves man关键词: meaningful use quality improvement electronic health records medical records ...
healthcare sector, a certification mechanism called meaningful-use attestation was recently adopted as part of an effort to encourage electronic health record (EHR) adoption while also focusing healthcare providers on protecting sensitive healthcare data. This new regime motivated us to examine how ...
Why is the challenge of meeting meaningful use Stage 2 much more difficult, and why are many finding it to be a more rigorous certification process? To start, the requirements are more complex, and vendors are facing challenges in building solutions that are truly interoperable – which is the...
Hospitals that attest to having reached Stage 1 meaningful-use standards observe fewer external breaches in the short term, but do not see continued improvement in the following year. On the other hand, attesting hospitals observe short-term increases in accidental internal breaches but eventually ...
HIMSS reiterates its long-standing assertion that 18 months is the minimum length of time needed between the final rules on Meaningful Use, certification, and standards, and the start of any stage of Meaningful Use. An 18-month timeline allows stakeholders to help educate and prepare providers on...
1. Checking and validating: Establishing that the use of the technology is reliable. Examples of tasks include interrogating the results generated by the technology; assurance; oversight and control of systems or their outputs; evaluating the reliability and performance of technology over time; and ...